Chapter 38

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Passing through Ula'ula Beach, we acknowledge it as another prime surfing spot for the Mantine Surfing challenge, enjoying the waves and the thrill of the surfing experience. Continuing our journey, we finally arrive at Route 13, ready to explore the new surroundings and face the adventures and trials that await us in this area.

Encountering Hau on Route 13, he catches his breath, remarking, "Phew, that Togedemaru was strong! But I managed to get through the trial, too. Maybe even managed to get a bit stronger, eh? I heard from Sophocles how you just breezed through that trial yourself, Ash and Lillie. You're something else! I know! You should take this!"

Handing us a Max Potion, a voice interjects, "You only have one volume, don't you? Haven't you ever heard the expression that silence is golden?"

As we turn around, we're surprised to see Gladion emerging from the Motel. Lillie gasps, "Gladion?"

The sight of Gladion triggers memories of the Ultra Dimension, causing a rush of recollection. Anticipating what Gladion might discuss, I brace myself, sensing a familiar and significant topic might be brought up during our encounter.

"Gah! He's back!" Hau gasps, clearly surprised by Gladion's sudden appearance.

Gladion gets straight to the point, stating, "Listen, Team Skull is looking for a Pokémon called Cosmog... Do you know anything?"

Sensing the tension rise, Nebby stirs within the bag, prompting Lillie to hurriedly conceal it. Hau responds defensively, "What?! N-not that we'd tell you!"

Gladion, with a tone laced with concern, mutters, "So you do know something. Look... Cosmog isn't even a strong Pokémon. But it has the potential to summon Pokémon so terrifyingly strong that you don't even know. If something like that happened, it would be a disaster for Alola..."

"A disaster? Like... a real disaster? Then what're we supposed to do about it?" Hau asks, clearly concerned about the potential consequences.

Gladion, noticing Lillie's bag, urgently advises, "Protect it! Lillie and Ash are Champion-level trainers, I know that they can just keep it safe! I know I might be working for Team Skull right now, so you may not trust me or care but... I'm going to tell you this just once. You have to protect Cosmog... no matter what!"

"I understand, Gladion. Lillie and I are committed to ensuring Nebby's safety," I affirm resolutely.

"I know, I trust you," Gladion acknowledges before departing, his thoughts lingering on the mystery of how Team Skull came to know about Cosmog's existence. "I still don't even understand how Team Skull found out about Cosmog in the first place..." he mutters, expressing his perplexity over this unsettling revelation.

"I don't really get what's going on, but we've just got to keep it safe, right?! Then I know what I'm gonna do. Take on the next trials to train with my partner!" Hau declares with determination before swiftly rushing off.

Then Trenor asks, "What kind of disaster, Brother? What do you know about Nebby?"

"I don't know, because the Ultra Dimensions are acting differently. But all I know for sure is that I'm not going to let Lillie out of my sight from now on," I assert with a sense of concern and determination, prioritizing Lillie's safety in the midst of the uncertain situation surrounding Cosmog.

Rosa tries to ease the tension, remarking, "Woah, chill, Ash. You're being a little overprotective..."

Lillie speaks up, acknowledging, "I know that I shouldn't say this, but he has the right to worry. I mean... considering what that other me has gone through..."

As we near the water, a Bruxish is observed using Psychic to trap a Wailmer among the rocks. Recognizing the distress, we swiftly intervene, quickly stopping the Bruxish's actions and freeing the trapped Wailmer from its predicament. Utilizing our skills, we manage to calm the situation and, in the process, successfully capture the Bruxish, bringing the situation to a peaceful resolution while adding a new Pokémon to our team.

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