Chapter 51

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It's time for us to head back to school, ad as we arrive, we notice that Mallow's Steenee has evolved into Tsareena. She reveals that it happened after the dance rehearsal. The others are also doing great, and we start sharing stories about what happened during our journeys.

As we speak, we recount the adventures we've had. Excitement fills the air as we describe the challenges we faced, the Pokémon we caught, and the friends we made along the way. It's a joyful reunion, and everyone is eager to catch up and share their experiences.

Mallow's Tsareena stands proudly by her side, showcasing her newfound strength. We all cheer and congratulate her on the evolution. It's a reminder of the growth we've all undergone, both as trainers and friends, during our time apart.

"So, this is Nebby. It looks so cool," Sophocles says, marveling at our Solgaleo and Lunala.

"Yeah, and Lunala looks incredibly powerful," Lana adds, gazing in awe at the majestic Pokémon.

Kiawe chimes in, "And to think you almost collected all the Z Crystals as well. We heard about the light being stolen; people are still wondering what was going on."

Lillie then shares, "My parents were planning a press conference, scheduled for two months from now, as they've been incredibly busy since my father regained his memories."

Lana quietly murmurs, "You know, I've heard an interesting story. Lately, there have been sightings of ghosts at the Trainer's School. It's spooked everyone, and no one dares to go near the school after dark."

The nine of us exchange nervous glances, feeling a shiver run down our spines. I speak up, my voice a bit uneasy, "Seriously? That's not something to joke about, if you ask me."

In the end, despite our initial trepidation, we decide to venture to the school at night, determined to investigate the mysterious occurrences. As we approach the entrance, a peculiar sight awaits us—a mysterious girl stands before us with a Drifloon at her side. She addresses us urgently, "You are trainers. Great. Help me. Everyone scared. At night. School. There are rumors, seven mysteries. You check for me. You solve!"

"Seven mysteries? That sounds quite intriguing," Rosa remarks, her tone a mix of curiosity and excitement.

"I wonder what kind of mysteries are there..." Lillie wonders aloud, turning to the girl. "So, can you tell us about these mysteries?" she asks, her voice filled with curiosity and anticipation.

The girl murmurs, her voice barely audible, "At night, near the burning place. Scary lights appear and roam around. There's burning, someone crying out. You can hear a girl's voice. Please solve. Be careful. You in danger, I'm sad..."

I sense an eerie unease in the girl's tone as she speaks. As we approach the room, a chilling sound fills the air, repeating, "I... should... I should... burn..." The words echo with a haunting intensity, sending a shiver down our spines.

Kiawe's voice breaks the tense silence as he asks with a mix of concern and caution, "What's going on? Who's saying that?"

Mallow's voice breaks through the tense atmosphere, "It sounds like it's coming from the incinerator back there."

As we cautiously approach the source, we discover a girl standing near the opened incinerator. She mutters with a mix of distress and determination, "I should burn... such things... Yes, I should burn... all of them..." Tears glisten in her eyes as she gazes at the incinerator, which seems to have been used recently.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Trenor calls out, drawing her attention towards us. The girl turns, startled, her eyes wide with surprise. "Wh-who are you?"

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