Chapter 23

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With the morning rays lighting up the sky, my friends and I are all set for a brand-new adventure! While scouting for Pokémon nearby, we spot a Stufful that totally steals our hearts. Lillie's practically swooning over its cuteness, and honestly, I can't blame her! It's absolutely adorable! We quickly decide that this Pokémon is a must-have for our team. So, we gear up, psyched, and determined to catch this awesome Stufful and make it a part of our crew.

Stufful: The Flailing Pokemon: Normal and Fighting Type. Despite its adorable appearance, when it gets angry and flails about, its arms and legs could knock a pro wrestler sprawling.

As we press on our journey, unexpectedly stumbling upon Dulse and Zossie, we're taken aback to find them in conversation with someone quite unexpected. Lillie's gasp rings out, "Uncle Colress!"

Nate and Rosa share our surprise at his presence here. Colress, with his characteristic calm, acknowledges us, saying, "Ah, it's good to see familiar faces and to meet those I don't recognize. I'm Colress, a scientist. My research revolves around a fascinating theme: 'Bringing out the potential of Pokémon.'"

Rosa's curiosity prompts her to ask, "What brings you to this place? Weren't you in Alola?"

Nate chimes in, "Yeah, we heard you were striving to guide Team Plasma toward a brighter future."

Colress nods thoughtfully. "Indeed, Team Plasma's mission continues to thrive. I'm here for a meeting today," he explains. Then, with a gleam in his eye, he delves into his beliefs, stating, "What brings out the power of Pokémon is... I believe that is—the bond they share with their Trainers! And thus my attention is drawn to Trainers like yourself... Trainers bound to their Pokémon through the power of the Z-Power Ring!"

As Colress prepares to depart, a contemplative expression crosses his face. "Z-Power... Is it the true potential that I seek? Does it surpass the Mega Ring? Apparently, there are uninhabited islands for Pokémon called Poké Pelago here in Alola. Alola is fascinating! I believe that I will stay in Alola for some time!"

Before leaving, he bids us farewell, saying, "Well then. I hope you will excuse me. I've had quite the curious request made to me by a couple of most oddly dressed strangers." With a mysterious yet intrigued air about him, Colress sets off, Kiawe remarks, "Your uncle has quite the unique vibe."

Lillie ponders for a moment before replying, "Yeah... I can't help but wonder what kind of meeting he's attending..."

Sophocles, intrigued by the concept, asks, "Hey, what exactly is a Mega Evolution?"

I say with a smile, "Mega Evolution is a super cool phenomenon where certain Pokémon when holding a specific Mega Stone unique to their species, can temporarily evolve during battles. They transform into an even stronger form, boosting their stats and gaining new abilities. It's like a power-up that lasts until the battle ends!"

Lillie adds, "Yes, and the bond between the Pokémon and their Trainer plays a crucial role in Mega Evolution. It's not something every Pokémon can do, and it requires a strong connection between Trainer and Pokémon, along with the special Mega Stones. It's a remarkable way for Pokémon to unleash incredible strength and abilities in battles!"

"Well said!" Professor Kukui chimes in with a wide grin, nodding in approval at our comprehensive explanation. "You guys nailed it. Mega Evolution is truly something special, a testament to the incredible bond between Trainers and their Pokémon. It's amazing to witness how that connection can bring out such immense power and potential in battle. You all have a good grasp of the essence of Mega Evolution!"

Mallow's curiosity shines through as she asks, "So, if we get our hands on the right stones, could we give Mega Evolution a shot?"

Kiawe, intrigued by the prospect, adds, "It'd be fascinating to learn how to do it ourselves."

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