Chapter 34

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Arriving at Mount Hokulani, Professor Kukui directs our attention to a specific spot. "Mount Hokulani is the second tallest mountain in Alola. And the tallest..." he begins, before we notice another mountain in the distance.

"Mount Lanakila..." Lillie remarks, recognizing the distant peak.

"Yeah, that's where our Ice Type Manor is located. It's quite amusing that an Ice Type Manor is situated in a tropical region..." I comment, acknowledging the irony of an ice-themed establishment being in a region known for its warm, tropical climate.

"Check it out! You see that steep, jutting, majestic peak right over there? That's Mount Lanakila... the highest peak in Alola!" Professor Kukui points out with excitement, reaffirming the significance of the towering mountain.

"I was just saying it..." Lillie murmurs, noting the redundancy.

"It's a sacred spot, yeah, the closest you can ever get to the Legendary Pokémon of Alola, said to be the sun incarnate and the moon incarnate. That's it! Right there! On the peak of Lanakila! That's where I'll establish our Pokémon League!" Professor Kukui exclaims passionately, sharing his ambitious vision for creating the Pokémon League at such a revered and sacred location.

"Wow, you're going to make the League... that's amazing," Trenor remarks, impressed by Professor Kukui's vision.

Professor Kukui continues with fervor, explaining his plans further. "We'll get everybody who's finished their island challenges, yeah, and up there on the peak of Mount Lanakila, they'll battle against the kahunas to become the island challenge champion! I've always valued our old traditions here in Alola, but it's time to make a Champion the whole world will recognize! It's time to get our own Elite Four and make our own Pokémon League! To think that, someday, the kiddos in Alola will be able to go from being the island challenge champion to the world Champion! And then, when we have our own Champion, they can show the rest of the world what's so special about Alolan Pokémon and their Trainers, yeah!"

"Now that's what I'm talking about! I'm getting fired up!" I exclaim with enthusiasm, feeling the excitement of the moment.

"You're just the same as always, Ash," Lillie sighs in response, noting my characteristic energy and passion for Pokémon-related endeavors.

Before setting off for our trial, we opt to explore Mount Hokulani, where we unexpectedly encounter Sophocles.

"Sophocles, what brings you here?" I inquire, surprised to see him.

"Since it's Winter Vacation, I'm staying with Big Mo for a while," Sophocles explains. "He's my cousin, and he owns the Observatory."

"Wow... that means you've been at the observatory for quite a while?" Trenor inquires, curious about Sophocles' extended stay.

"Of course, and I get to see a lot of Miniors here as well!" Sophocles cheers with enthusiasm. As he speaks, a plethora of Miniors start descending from the sky, catching everyone's attention.

"Amazing," Selene exclaims, marveling at the breathtaking sight unfolding before them.

"Look at that, there are so many colors," Rosa observes, captivated by the array of vibrant hues exhibited by the Miniors as they descend gracefully from above, painting the sky with their stunning presence.

"That one looks peculiar..." I comment, noticing a Minior with changing core colors amongst the others. Sophocles concurs, stating, "That Minior isn't normal! I've never seen a Minior capable of altering its body color like that... This is a rare occurrence!"

As the unique Minior becomes aware of our presence, it swiftly encases its core body within a protective shell. "It's using the Shields Down ability... when it's at full health, it takes on the shell," I explain, recognizing its defensive response.

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