Chapter 55

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Selene is working hard on her research project, aiming to win the Ribbon Cup by obtaining her final Ribbon. The Contest is being held in the Seafolk Village. She has been putting in considerable effort with her Primarina and Arbok. Finally, she wins the final ribbon, which allows her to exchange them for the coveted Ribbon Cup. As for me, I also manage to get my Ribbon Cup from my mom due to my assistance with the Contest judge.

At the Pokémon Center on Seafolk Island, Sophocles shares his plan to evolve Charjabug at Vast Poni Canyon. Intrigued, we decide to accompany him on this journey. However, our plans take an unexpected turn when we encounter Ida and her boyfriend Kanoa at the center.

During our conversation, they excitedly reveal that Brionne has evolved into the majestic Primarina. Ida proudly showcases Primarina's enchanting and melodic water balloon display, captivating everyone present.

Lana, deeply impressed by Primarina's graceful control and unique abilities, expresses her admiration for Ida. Enthralled by Primarina's prowess, Lana gathers the courage to ask Ida if she could provide guidance and training to help improve her own skills.

Ida seems momentarily unsure in response to Lana's request, possibly contemplating the responsibility of mentoring Lana to master similar techniques to those exhibited by Primarina. But she decides to help as some decide to accompany Lana while we are heading with Sophocles to Vast Poni Canyon.

As we traverse through Vast Poni Canyon once more, Sophocles engages in a battle with a wild Golduck, unleashing Charjabug's Discharge. Unexpectedly, Togedemaru swiftly intervenes, leaping in to absorb the attack and redirect it towards the Golduck.

"Hey, Togedemaru! That was Charjabug's battle!" Sophocles exclaims, a mix of surprise and amusement evident in his voice. However, Togedemaru merely bounces around in jubilation, seemingly unperturbed by Sophocles' protest.

As we continue our journey, nearing the entrance of the cave, Sophocles remains eager for his next challenge. Suddenly, his attention is drawn to a familiar sight – Horacio, accompanied by his brothers Dana and Yansu. Memories of their previous encounter during the Charjabug race flood back to us as we recognize the trio from before.

"So what brings you here?" Kiawe inquires, curious about Horacio's presence.

"I'm here to facilitate my Charjabug's evolution into Vikavolt!" Horacio responds with determination.

Sophocles, surprised, interjects, "You too?"

"I may have let you win that race before, but this time, my Charjabug will evolve before yours does," Horacio asserts confidently. "I'm on the hunt for a Bug Stone to trigger the evolution."

"Actually," I interject, "Charjabug evolves into Vikavolt using a Thunder Stone."

This revelation sparks a challenge between Sophocles and Horacio. They agree on a friendly competition: whoever manages to evolve their Charjabug into Vikavolt first, without any external aid, will emerge victorious. With a determined glint in their eyes, the challenge is set.

As Sophocles bravely ventures deeper into the dark confines of the Vast Poni Canyon for the evolution challenge, leaving Togedemaru in our care, Lillie expresses her concern about Sophocles' fear of the dark. "I wonder if they'll be alright... I mean, Sophocles is scared of the dark," she frets.

"We have to trust in him," I reassure her, hoping for Sophocles' success in overcoming his fears.

After a tense wait, Sophocles emerges from the cave, accompanied by the newly evolved Vikavolt. Our hearts swell with joy for his achievement. However, Horacio emerges looking visibly disappointed, acknowledging his defeat with a determined yet distraught expression. He vows to intensify his training and challenge Sophocles again in the future, before hastily departing with his brothers. In his haste, Horacio accidentally slips and falls from a ledge, highlighting the rush he's in to leave the area.

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