Chapter 64

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After the exciting conclusion of the Alola League, we celebrated our victory with a fantastic gathering that same night. Now, back at home, we're diligently training to prepare for a showdown with the Elite Four. However, our training is interrupted by unexpected visitors—surprisingly, Anabel and Looker have arrived at our doorstep.

My mom inquires, "So, how's the investigation going?"

Anabel responds, "It's progressing smoothly; we've managed to establish contact with them."

Surprised, I ask, "Mom, what's going on?"

Turning to face me, my mom explains, "Following the Necrozma incident, I tasked Looker and Anabel to form a specialized UB Task Force. When Necrozma opened the Wormhole, all the Ultra Beasts appeared in the Alola Region, causing havoc and some damage. Fortunately, the Tapus and the Kahunas intervened, driving them away."

Looker then interjects, "Forgive me, Ash and Lillie, but did you indeed encounter UB Symbiont?"

Lillie inquires, "UB-01 Symbiont... you mean Nihilego, correct?"

Anabel clarifies, "The International Police uses code names for all the Ultra Beasts, such as Symbiont. I assume you recognize it as the Pokémon that fused with the woman, Lusamine?"

Lillie turns to my Mom, objecting, "But Mother didn't fuse with Nihilego. Did you tell them about our encounter in the Ultra Dimension?"

"My trust in them stems from their position as my subordinates. Moreover, I've heard that during your visit to Aether, Ash battled Nihilego and emerged victorious, correct?" my Mom responds.

I confirm, "Yes, that happened right after we finished the Grand Trial on Akala Island."

"My dear," my Mom begins solemnly, "what I'm about to disclose is highly classified information. It's imperative that you keep all that you learn here to yourselves. We've been witnessing Ultra Wormholes opening in various locations, and as long as they remain unclosed, the Ultra Beasts can freely enter and exit these portals. These beings possess dangerous powers that transcend the boundaries and logic of our world. Once they enter an unfamiliar world, we can only anticipate that they'll be exceedingly cautious and combative."

Anabel explains, "Our duties revolve around three main tasks. Firstly, investigating the ecology of these unidentified UBs. Secondly, ensuring the safety of the people by monitoring and protecting them from any potential harm caused by the UBs. And lastly, a decision whether to protect or eliminate these creatures."

"Eliminate them?" We're taken aback by the severity of the proposition.

"If the UBs pose a threat, if they harbor vengeful intentions toward our world, then the directive from higher authorities is to eliminate them entirely," Looker elaborates.

"However, neither of us desires such an outcome. Regardless of their nature as UBs, they're living beings. Our intent is to safeguard and rescue them," Anabel asserts.

"Yet, protecting the UBs involves capturing them, a task far more challenging than mere destruction. At present, we lack the necessary battle strength to accomplish this," Looker grimly admits.

My Mom interjects, "This leads us to the crux of the matter. Let's be straightforward. We seek your assistance. We want the four of you to join forces with the UB Task Force. Please lend us your aid in this endeavor."

Serena questions, "Both of us as well?"

Alice hesitates, "Are you certain about this?"

I respond, "What's the issue? Weren't you just returning from the Ultra Metropolis to become Ultra Recon Squad members?"

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