Chapter 7

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As we approach the school grounds, our anticipation is abruptly halted by an unexpected sight. Lillie's gasp punctuates the moment, her surprise evident as she gestures forward. "What in the world?!"

A herd of Tauros block the path, their imposing figures a formidable barrier. "Looks like our route's obstructed by Tauros," I remark, scanning the impasse. "Good thing we were only aiming for the Trainers' School nearby."

Trenor nods in agreement, casually remarking, "Guess that's someone else's problem to sort out. We'll find another way around."

As we step into the school premises, the atmosphere hums with the energy of aspiring trainers engrossed in their exercises. We exchange glances and mutually decide it's an opportune moment to sharpen our skills. Settling into the routine, we initiate our training regimen.

However, our focus wavers when a distinct sight catches our attention—a striking Alolan Meowth, its sleek form contrasting against the backdrop of the bustling training area.

"An Alolan Meowth..." Lillie observes, her voice trailing off as she takes note of the distinct features. "Now a Dark type. This one must be quite cunning..."

Nate's curiosity interjects the moment. "Speaking of Meowth, what happened to the one that belonged to Team Rocket?" he asks, directing his question towards me.

I recall the past events. "Ah, that Meowth is part of the family now," I explain, reflecting on the peculiar turn of events. "After some memory erasure, Meowsie gradually started to bond with him."

The Alolan Meowth's interest in us quickly escalates into a challenge, its eyes gleaming with mischief as it taunts us, clearly eager for a battle. "No problem," I respond confidently. "Pikachu, Quick Attack!"

But before Pikachu can execute the move, Alolan Meowth surprises us all by using Feint, halting Pikachu's attack in its tracks. A sudden twist in the battle catches us off guard.

Then, to our astonishment, instead of targeting Pikachu, Alolan Meowth aims a Thunderbolt directly at us. "Hey! What's that for?" I exclaim, taken aback by the unexpected turn.

Continuing its assault, Alolan Meowth lunges forward with a Scratch attack, but Zoroark swiftly retaliates, countering with a precise Night Slash that connects with the elusive feline.

Realizing the need to step up our game, I decide it's time for a powerful move. "Let's go for the Z Move! 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt!" I command. Alolan Meowth's widened eyes betray its attempt to escape, but it's too late. The overwhelming force strikes, sending a surge of electricity towards the Alolan Meowth, leaving it vulnerable. I seize the opportunity, swiftly throwing a Pokéball, capturing it as the electric energy disperses.

Meowth (Alolan Form): The Scratch Cat Pokemon: Dark Type. This Pokémon was not originally found in Alola. Human actions caused a surge in their numbers, and they went feral. They're prideful and crafty.

"So, you've managed to capture that Meowth," Professor Kukui remarks as we settle into the classroom. "That Meowth has been causing quite a stir in the school."

"Indeed, but I have a feeling it won't be easy to get it to cooperate with that cunning demeanor," I murmur, contemplating the recent encounter and the challenges the spirited Alolan Meowth might pose.

During our break, at Selene's urging, we decide to assist her in finding a new Pokémon partner. Following her lead, we find ourselves navigating through the outskirts until we stumble upon a garbage dump, where an abundance of green-colored Grimers congregates.

"Look at those Grimers! They're so cute!" Selene exclaims, her eyes lighting up at the sight of the peculiar Pokémon.

"Although Grimer used to feed on sludge, not trash... I suppose that's one of the differences," I remark, noticing the shift in their usual habitat.

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