Chapter 46

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Back at the mansion, we urgently call my Mom and Dad, as well as Lillie's Dad, to the scene. My mom's voice is filled with concern as she answers, "Are you serious? Lusamine has gone to stop Necrozma?"

"Yeah, Mom, things have taken a turn for the worst... and look at Nebby," I say, showing the Cosmoem. My Dad says, "At least you are all unharmed."

"Yeah, maybe. But there is still a ton we have to do..." Gladion says with a heavy tone. "There's the president and Guzma, who both disappeared into the Ultra Wormhole... Not to mention Cosmoem... Even if she that, Lusamine is still our mother. We can't just leave her in some unknown world on her own, even if it is to defeat Necrozma. And if she doesn't come back..."

"What is this?" Just then, Dulse and Zossie arrive, visibly disturbed. Dulse exclaims, "That Lusamine! She is not defeating Necrozma for our sake, but for her own satisfaction?!"

"Miss President... Why would she do this...?" Zossie murmurs, clearly perplexed by Lusamine's motives.

Dulse continues, "The machine that the scientist Colress helped develop with our technology... The machine that would restrain Necrozma... We were going to send it back to our world with someone strong enough to safely use it, but... she is going to use it for herself?!"

Mohn, taken aback, asks, "And what is it that you're saying? You said you were going to send someone back to your world? Do you know some other way to open an Ultra Wormhole?!"

"Mohn, nice to see you here as well," Dulse acknowledges with a nod. "The altar on Poni... The Pokémon that appears there is called the beast that devours the sun."

"We rode on the back of a Pokémon like that! That's how we got here to Alola!" Zossie interjects.

"Lusamine and Guzma... Do they not understand how strong Necrozma truly is? Or do they go to fight it, even knowing that?" Dulse queries, his concern evident.

"I have to guess it is the latter," I respond, troubled by the gravity of the situation.

Zossie turns to us, her expression urgent. "All of you... If Necrozma awakens, it will come to steal the light from Alola. You must protect your world's light! Alola is so brilliant and nice!"

"I have a difficult time with such brilliance, but the light of Alola... is a good thing. The aura of your totems... And, yes, even the light of your Z-Powers. But now, if you'll excuse us..." Dulse concludes with a nod, indicating their departure.

Once they leave, my Mom suggests, "Looks like we're going to stay a night here in the Aether Foundation."

Mohn adds, "I've called Wicke, and she should provide some beds for you to sleep in."

Lillie gazes at the bed thoughtfully and says, "I think... I'll stay here. I want to spend some time trying to understand what it is my mother might have been thinking..."

"Are you sure? How about I stay with you?" I offer, concerned about Lillie's well-being. Eventually, everyone decides to leave us alone in the mansion, although my mom, in her teasing manner, attempts to make us blush again by joking, "I'm too young to be a grandmother."

Despite her playful jest, they all depart, giving Lillie and me some space for reflection within the confines of the Aether Foundation mansion. It's not like we haven't been sleeping together for a long time.

The next day dawns, and I awaken to find Lillie absent from the room. Wicke enters and informs me, "Miss Lillie is waiting outside... if you're ready to meet her."

I nod, quickly getting ready, and together with Wicke, I head outside. As I step out, I see Lillie in the midst of changing her outfit, a familiar sight from our experiences in that Ultra Dimension. It seems she's preparing for something significant.

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