Chapter 6

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A new day arrives and we decide to leave our house for school. Nebby is still with my parents. That's when we stop and notice a Litten staring at us. Trenor says, "A Litten... we did see him quite often."

The Litten approaches me affectionately, much to our confusion. "I wonder if he's hungry?" Lillie asks.

"Well, I have a croquette sandwich for lunch..." I say as I attempt to share some with it. However, just before I can do anything, the Litten grabs the whole thing and dashes away.

"Hey! That's mine!" I yell, but the Litten just uses Scratch on me before darting away. Lillie asks, "Ash, are you alright?"

"It's a good thing I have other things for lunch..." I mutter with a sigh.

At school, we discuss the Litten. Despite the girls showing affection towards it, Sophocles mentions that Litten isn't fond of interacting with people. Mallow adds that Litten usually hangs around the restaurant, and Kiawe has spotted it at the market stealing berries.

Nate asks, "So what's your plan with Litten, Ash?"

"I think I'm going to capture that Litten," I say, surprising everyone.

After class, we head to the marketplace to grab some food, and there we spot Litten. "Come back here, Litten!" We chase after it until we encounter an old lady offering food to the Litten. "There it is!"

"No need to be so angry," the lady says, offering more fruits. "The blessings of nature should be shared. Take your time eating."

When Litten leaves, Trenor asks, "Does that Litten come here often?"

"It does! This is part of its daily routine," the lady replies. "It feels like it's just checking up on me. So whenever it arrives, I give it some fruit. Young boy, did that little one happen to take your food?"

"It did," I mutter.

"I'm not sure where it lives... but it's not a bad Pokémon," the lady adds.

After a few days, we encounter the same Litten again, but this time it's being ambushed by an Alolan Persian. "Is that an Alolan Persian?" I ask.

Rosa comments, "It's a Dark Type, and known for its cruel and cunning personality..."

"Then that Litten..." Selene starts to say.

We rush towards the Persian and yell, "Hey, it's just a fruit, do you really have to go that far?" The Persian attempts to use Power Gem on us, but Togekiss counters with Moonblast, hitting the Pokémon and causing it to run away.

We turn to the injured Litten, and I attempt to carry the fruit for it, but Litten bites my hand instead. Despite our efforts to calm it down, Litten eventually passes out.

"Litten, in your condition, you're not getting anywhere. Togekiss, take the berry, and let's bring Litten to the Pokémon Center," Lillie directs.

Litten continues to struggle, scratching both me and Lillie, but we manage to get it to the Pokémon Center. Nurse Joy provides a Heliolisk collar to prevent it from licking its wounds.

"Both of you are scratched up... you both need treatment," Selene remarks.

As we go to get treated, we realize that Litten wants to leave again. The six of us chase after Litten, but the collar prevents it from passing through the fence.

"Can you stop right now? Listen. You can't be moving around!" I exclaim while grabbing Litten. "If you're not going to listen..."

We then take Litten back to the manor. My mom scolds me for the scratches, but her way of comforting and scratching Litten makes it relax.

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