Chapter 29

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As we arrive back at the house in Melemele Island, we're welcomed by my Mom, Lillie's Dad, Lillie, and Trenor. Lillie, her expression filled with concern, asks, "So Ash... how is Mother?"

Taking a deep breath, I respond, "Everything remains the same in the Ultra Dimensions at first... a wormhole appears, and Nihilego emerges from it."

Lillie visibly pales, and I continue, "But that's when things diverge from the events in the Ultra Dimensions. Dulse and Zossie appear, revealing the truth about Necrozma. Your mother never displays that eerie smile—instead, she shows only concern for your safety. She's afraid you might end up like your Dad..."

"Really? No malevolent intentions?" Lillie questions, her brows furrowing.

"Maybe not..." I sigh. "But then again, she's also a skilled aura user. I only inform her that I'll search for you and, once found, bring you back there. So, it depends on whether you want to return or not."

Lillie nods pensively as a frown creases her brow. Mohn, her father, chimes in, "I may not remember much about Lusamine... but there's a reason why I married her. I'm certain that despite being upset with you for taking the Cosmog, she'll eventually forgive you and comprehend everything."

"I really hope so," Lillie responds, embracing her father tightly.

Returning to the challenge of mastering Lycanroc's Rock-type Z Move, Continental Crush, we encounter persistent difficulties. Lycanroc grows increasingly frustrated as our attempts continue to fall short. Professor Kukui steps in with a suggestion, theorizing that the evolution brought about increased power that Lycanroc might not yet have the experience to harness and control effectively. We collectively agree to revise our approach, opting to go back to the fundamentals.

Professor Kukui adjusts the training regimen, focusing on refining our basic moves. We dedicate ourselves to rigorous practice, tirelessly honing our techniques. Through persistent effort and unwavering determination, we finally witness a breakthrough—the once-elusive Continental Crush begins to manifest successfully.

Exhilaration fills us as Lycanroc executes the move flawlessly. Grinning broadly, we share a sense of accomplishment, having overcome the obstacle through hard work and perseverance.

As we head to Mallow's restaurant, anticipating her presence due to her early departure from school for the news report about their kitchen, we're surprised to find only her father there. His demeanor reflects concern as he reveals that Mallow has reached a breaking point and fled from home. Alarmed by the news, we immediately decide to launch a search to find her.

To our astonishment, we stumble upon an unexpected sight—our Oranguru, typically at our mansion, is now running a drink shop nearby. To our greater surprise, we discover Mallow there.

It becomes apparent that Mallow's father is acquainted with our Oranguru from their time on Akala Island, which led to the establishment of Aina Kitchen. As Mallow's father attempts to express his gratitude, Oranguru interrupts and subtly gestures towards Mallow, prompting a realization within him. Understanding what he needs to do, he expresses his gratitude to her. This touching moment causes Mallow to tear up, and she rushes into her father's arms, overcome with emotion.

After our visit to Lana following her unsuccessful attempt at mastering the Hydro Vortex, we encounter a woman named Ida and her Brionne performing an impressive showcase. Lana expresses her eagerness to learn from Ida, and soon, we also meet her boyfriend, Kanoa, who discloses that he's a treasure hunter currently on the trail of a valuable find.

Lana begins her training under Ida's guidance, aiming to refine her skills. Subsequently, we join Kanoa in pursuit of the Mystic Water, a fabled treasure hidden within a sunken ship. Our expedition takes an unexpected turn when we encounter a formidable guardian—Dhelmise—protecting the prized treasure. Determined to claim it, we devise a plan to drive away the Dhelmise.

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