Chapter 31

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Back in Alola, we make our way to Hau'oli Cemetery, where Braiden, a skilled Umbreon user, is paying a visit to his deceased wife's grave. As he prepares to leave, he remarks, "I suppose that's enough for today... I'd better hurry home or that son of mine will go berating me again for wandering off..."

Curious, I ask, "Are you the strongest Umbreon user? Kagetora wants us to battle you."

"... That tale is decades old by now. How old are you, boy?" he responds, but then recognizes the name I mentioned. "Well, you're not wrong. I was once known as Braiden the Umbreon User. And you know young Kagetora? How is that little whippersnapper?"

"He's doing fine," Lillie responds.

"Sure, I don't mind battling with you... Though I'm due to check in to the hospital soon." I decide to send out Lucario to battle his Umbreon.

The clash begins, Umbreon moving swiftly to evade Lucario's attacks. It utilizes its defensive abilities expertly, dodging and countering with precise strikes. Lucario, guided by its Aura instincts, tries to predict Umbreon's movements. Both Pokémon exhibit remarkable skill, each landing calculated blows on the other.

"Let's finish this, Lucario! Unleash All-Out Pummeling!" I call out, confidence fueling my voice, as I do the Z Move with Lucario.

Lucario channels the power of Aura into a devastating display, launching a relentless series of punches infused with incredible strength. The sheer force behind the Z-Move overwhelms Umbreon, battering it with an unstoppable storm of energy. Despite Umbreon's resilience, it struggles against the relentless assault of Lucario's All-Out Pummeling. The power is too much to withstand, and eventually, Umbreon succumbs, signaling our victory.

"...While there are times when there's a full moon, there are also times you can't see the moon at all," he muses. "No night can ever be endless. Dawn comes and snatches away the dark. I feel that light creeping into my life, blotting out the stars and stealing away the night. People used to talk about me once, said I was immortal, and such nonsense. I was just in the hospital for a long while, that's all. But human life does end. Anyway... give Kagetora my regards."

"We will," we respond with a nod as we bid him farewell.

Back at school, our curiosity about Komala and its perpetual state of sleepiness persists. To test whether it is truly asleep or not due to its Comatose ability, we decide to have Brionne use Sing on it. Despite our efforts, even after using Sing, we remain uncertain about Komala's wakefulness or slumber. The mystery behind its constant sleepiness continues to elude us.

The chaos with Selene's Rotom unfolds as it accidentally swaps places with another Rotom, triggering a series of mishaps. In the confusion, it inadvertently finds itself in various forms at our classmates' homes—a Heat Form in Mallow's kitchen, a Fan Form in Lana's house, a Freeze Form in Sophocles' residence, and a Mow Form in my house. Unbeknownst to us at that moment, my Mom later reveals this unexpected visitation.

As we visit the Pokémon Center, the misplaced Rotom finally appears in its Wash Form. However, upon encountering Pikachu's shock, it jolts back to its original state, returning to its standard form. The sudden discharge of electricity from Pikachu inadvertently resolves the swap, bringing an end to the chaotic mix-up.

Encountering Mareanie's first love and mentor during our shopping trip was unexpected. However, things took a turn when jealousy consumed the older Mareanie, triggering its evolution into a Toxapex. Fueled by emotions, it attempted to poison me, only to realize I was immune.

Perceiving me as a hurdle in its pursuit to win Mareanie back, the Toxapex challenged me to a duel. Reluctantly, I accepted, understanding the significance of this battle for Mareanie. The confrontation, though intense, turned out to be underwhelming. My Pokémon and I emerged victorious, but it wasn't a challenging fight.

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