Chapter 33

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In the Community Center, an old lady named Jane is seated, appearing to stifle a yawn. "The old eyes are getting tired," she mutters softly.

"Excuse me," Lillie begins, addressing her, "are you the skilled Jolteon user? We've been sent by Kagetora to challenge you to a battle."

"Why yes, I suppose I am," Jane responds with a faint smile. "I'm Jane. Eevee? Kagetora? I'm sorry, child. I don't remember them... I do remember Pokemon battles, though... Though I'm not sure if I'm still up to one..."

Lillie engages in a battle with Jane, her Midnight Lycanroc squaring off against Jane's Jolteon. With precision and determination, Lillie commands her Lycanroc to execute its Continental Crush move, aiming directly at Jolteon. The powerful attack strikes true, overwhelming Jolteon and eventually leading to its defeat.

"You provide a dazzling battle." Jane remarks with a wistful smile. "When lightning strikes the earth, it is swallowed up... and it disappears. Even if you try to whip an old body into action, there are simply limits to what it can do. And besides... I really don't remember anyone called Kagetora."

Disappointed, we exchange a frown among ourselves, realizing that further discussion or recollection might not be feasible. With a sense of understanding, we bid Jane a respectful farewell, acknowledging the constraints of memory and time that might shroud her past experiences.

As we make our way towards the Malie Library, Lillie expresses a desire to purchase a specific outfit she's been eyeing—a unique ensemble that happens to be the last one available in the store. Fortunately, the helpful staff at the store not only assisted with the purchase but also provided clear directions to the library.

Upon arriving at the Malie Library, we unexpectedly encounter Hapu once again. However, the surprise comes when her Mudsdale, without any warning, rushes towards us suddenly, catching us off guard and causing a momentary shock.

"Hello. Been a while, friends." Hapu greets us warmly. "Looks like your island challenge is coming along favorably. That must be pleasing to the tapu."

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Hapu," Selene responds with a smile.

"My apologies if Mudsdale spooked you just now. What are you up to?" Hapu inquires.

"Oh. we're actually, um, studying the tapu's ruins. For...various reasons of our own." Lillie explains hesitantly.

"Well, that's some fine initiative. I'd be happy to show you the way whenever you'd like to go. My Mudsdale here is as sturdy as all get-out. She can easily carry two." Hapu offers generously.

"Thank you for your offer." we express our gratitude with a bow as they prepare to depart. Trenor interjects, "Should we explore the Malie Library first since we're already here?"

With a quick conversation, we opt to explore the Malie Library first. I turn to Lillie and inquire, "So, Lillie, what specific kind of book are you searching for?"

"The book that I'm looking for is a very old one." Lillie responds, her eyes filled with anticipation. "It's a book that contains old myths and legends that Professor Burnet told me about... Those tales seem to suggest that Alola's Legendary Pokémon came from another world."

"Ah, I recall that," I remark, reminiscing about our encounter at the Dimensional Research Lab.

As we search through the shelves on the second floor, Lillie expresses her concern, saying, "It must be a very valuable book, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to take it out of the library..."

Suddenly, a chuckle interrupts our conversation, and we turn to see Ghost Trial Captain Acerola approaching us, holding a book. "Is this what you're looking for, Princess? Give it a read!" she offers with a mischievous grin.

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