Chapter 28

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After bidding farewell to my friends and Professor Kukui, I decide to head back inside the Hano Grand Resort along with Pikachu, Absol, and Zoroark. As I step in, Faba is already waiting for me.

"So you've come at last, but only you, Ash?" Faba inquires.

"Yes, Faba. So, are we going to the Aether Foundation?" I inquire in return. "I also have some things I need to discuss with Ms. Lusamine."

"I see. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you again," Faba responds.

"Wait! Take me, too!" Hau's voice bursts out, and as we turn, we spot Hau and Olivia approaching. "Oh? Even Kahuna Olivia has come to see you off?" Faba remarks.

"As a kahuna, I look after all the trial-goers who come to my island. They're like my own children. Not that I've got any—I've never even gotten married," Olivia shares. "Listen up, you two. Your greatest opponent is always yourself. Your greatest allies, the Pokémon beside you."

It's a good thing that she doesn't mention Lillie in front of Faba. Hau responds, "Thanks. It's good-bye, Akala Island! Though I guess we can come back anytime we want to, huh?"

"Then let us enjoy an adventure upon that grand vessel that will take us across the high seas! By which I mean to say, the ferry." Faba says with his signature flair.

We board the ship, and Hau marvels, "Can you believe a big hunk of iron like Aether Paradise can float in the sea?! And it's all cuz of the Pokémon holding it up. Did you know that, Ash?"

"Of course, I know that," I reply. "The Aether Family has been good friends with our family for a lot of years."

"Awww... I thought I finally had one up on you. Ho, I can't wait to actually see inside Aether Paradise for myself!" Hau exclaims, brimming with excitement.

As the ship docks at Aether Paradise, the basement area reveals numerous cargo boxes scattered around. Faba leads the way, stating, "Here we are, you two. This is Aether Paradise."

We observe a Sudowoodo and a Yungoos entering the elevator with an Aether Foundation member. Faba explains further, "Aether Paradise is a facility created for the conservation of Pokémon. It has been outfitted with all of the latest technology for this purpose. Downstairs, our teams work on developing new Poké Balls and more. Yes, all for the sake of Pokémon conservation."

Observing our Poké Balls, Faba adds a crucial piece of information, "Though you will not be able to use any of your Poké Balls within Aether Paradise. A jamming signal is broadcast throughout the facility to prevent them from functioning."

As we approach the elevator, a woman awaits them and addresses Faba, "Excuse me, Mr. Faba... Ash, is that you?"

"Ms. Wicke! Long time no see!" I greet enthusiastically. However, Faba seems a bit annoyed and interjects, "Yes, excuse you! What is the meaning of that form of address? I have a title for a reason! How else will anyone know how important I am?"

"Yes... Branch Manager Faba..." Wicke acknowledges with a hint of formality in her tone.

"Now, I must go speak with the president about our conservation efforts on Akala... Show these children around, and then take them to meet the president as well." Faba instructs Wicke before departing. As he leaves, I sigh in relief while Hau looks with confusion.

"Phew..." Wicke exhales, mirroring my expression before turning to address us. "Welcome to Aether Paradise, Ash and Hau. My name is Wicke."

Hau asks in surprise, "Wait? You know who we are? How'd you know that?!"

"One of our employees told me about your meeting on Akala Island. And of course, I heard how you helped protect the Pokémon there, too, young Mr. Hau. As for Ash here, he's a close friend. Thank you very much! Let me show you around. The main entrance is up above us."

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