Chapter 24

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Amidst the vibrant hues of the Lush Jungle, we venture forth on our Pokémon quest, anticipation dancing in our hearts. Suddenly, amidst the verdant foliage, a Bounsweet emerges, filling the air with its sweet fragrance.

"Look, Lillie! A Bounsweet," I exclaim, pointing excitedly. Lillie's eyes widen with delight at the sight of the adorable Pokémon.

"It's so cute! Let's catch it," she responds, her voice filled with enthusiasm. With a shared determination, we synchronize our moves, simultaneously tossing our Poké Balls. The spherical capsules snap shut, ensnaring the Bounsweet within. Beaming at each other, we revel in our success, knowing this joyful encounter signals the start of numerous adventures together.

Bounsweet: The Fruit Pokemon: Grass Type. Although it's too sugary for human consumption, Bounsweet's sweat can be watered down into a juice with just the right amount of sweetness.

Startled by Dartrix's sudden interest in the aromatic Bounsweet, we quickly intervene. "Dartrix, no! Don't eat Bounsweet," I exclaim, gently pulling the Grass Quill Pokémon away.

Selene says, "Something's never going to change..."

Dartrix eyes the Bounsweet hungrily but eventually relents, understanding our insistence. With relief, we ensure Bounsweet's safety before turning our attention to calming down our Pokémon. As we continue to train, Bounsweet grows stronger alongside us. It evolves into the graceful Steenee, radiating newfound confidence and charm.

"Lillie, look! Bounsweet evolved into Steenee," I exclaim, pointing proudly at the transformed Pokémon. Lillie's face lights up with joy.

"Wow, it's amazing! You've become so strong, Steenee," she praises, patting the evolved Pokémon affectionately. Steenee twirls happily, displaying its evolved form with a delightful expression.

Steenee: The Fruit Pokemon: Grass Type. Evolve from Bounsweet at LV:18. The sepals on its head developed to protect its body. These are quite hard, so even if pecked by bird Pokémon, this Pokémon is totally fine.

Then we encounter a cluster of delicate flowers, and amidst them floats a Comfey. Remembering its role in aiding Nurse Joy at Pokémon Centers, an idea sparks among us.

"Look, everyone! It's a Comfey," Lillie exclaims, her eyes brightening with recognition. "That could be incredibly helpful with healing the injured Fomantis."

With a collective agreement, we approach the Comfey, and I request, "Comfey, we need your help in healing these injured Fomantis,"

Comfey nods in understanding, its floral rings shimmering with a healing aura as it tends to the injured Fomantis. Impressed by Comfey's dedication and compassion, we feel a sense of gratitude towards this benevolent Pokémon.

After the healing session concludes, Comfey hovers closer to us, conveying her willingness to join our team. "Thank you, Comfey! We'd be honored to have you accompany us on our journey," I expresses, his voice filled with gratitude.

Comfey: The Posy Picker Pokemon: Fairy Type. It stretches sticky vines out from its head and picks flowers to adorn itself with. When it doesn't have any flowers, it feels uneasy.

As we gather around to prepare lunch, the sun casts a warm glow over our makeshift campsite. The tantalizing aroma of Pinap Berry juices fills the air, enticing not just our group but also catching the attention of an observant Oranguru nearby.

Unexpectedly, the Oranguru approaches, its wise eyes fixated on our cooking process. Before we can react, it uses its Psychic abilities to deftly gather the ripest Pinap Berries and other ingredients needed for our refreshing beverages, setting them neatly before us.

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