Chapter 30

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A few days later, it becomes apparent that we are embarking on another two-week School Trip in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Pokemon Trainer's School. Kukui announces, "We're heading to the Kanto Region!"

Amidst everyone's excitement, I can't help but feel deflated. I mutter under my breath, "Oh, Kanto, huh..."

"You're from the Kanto Region, aren't you, Ash, Trenor?" Kiawe inquires.

"Yep," I reply. "Traveled there twice for different reasons."

"Professor Oak's world-famous laboratory is there, right?" Sophocles chimes in.

"Yes, indeed! We'll visit my cousin Professor Oak and his laboratory, and you'll get to see lots of Kanto Pokémon too!" Samson Oak confirms.

"Right, and that's not all. I want you to tackle and experience something you can't have here, along with some very special guests," Professor Kukui announces. "And we already have one here."

It turns out to be my mom, who just strolls in and says, "Greetings, I'm the acting Champion Aurora. I'll be your guide to the Kanto Region."

"Of course, it has to be you, Mom," Trenor sighs. "Who else would have agreed to get us to Kanto?"

"My dear, I'm certain you'll find an experience worth your while, something unique that you can't encounter here, and with some exceptionally special guests I've personally chosen," my Mom remarks, noticing my deflated reaction.

Her words catch my attention, and suddenly, I feel a surge of anticipation. It seems my spirits are beginning to lift again.

When we finally arrive in Kanto, Snowy seems to be feeling unwell after the plane flight. Concerned, I remark, "This is bad... and since we were on the plane, we won't be able to bring some medical equipment..."

"Ash, is that you?" We turn around and are surprised to see Brock, the first gym leader I faced, and my good old friend. I gasp, "Brock! Long time no see! You've come at just the right time!"

"Surprised to see you here as well. Would you mind if I examine that Vulpix?" Brock asks. "See, I'm actually studying to become a Pokémon Doctor."

"That would be great! We got off the plane, and all of a sudden-" Lillie tries to explain, but I interject, "Just leave it to Brock."

After a quick examination, Brock concludes that it's just a case of airsickness. "Well, look who we have here!"

We turn around, equally shocked to see Misty, Insey, and Yellow. "Misty! Insey! Yellow!"

"Hey, Ash! How've you been? Long time no see!" Misty exclaims.

"Yeah, it's great to see you again, Lillie," Insey adds warmly.

"You too, Pikachu!" Yellow chimes in as Pikachu rushes to greet them.

As the others arrive, the four of them introduce themselves, and Trenor remarks, "Seriously? Mom asked you as a special guest too, Insey?"

"And what's the problem with that?" Insey responds. "Considering it's been a while. What's wrong with family asking family?"

"And we were surprised to hear that you're attending the Alola Trainer's School, Ash," Yellow says. "Serena also wanted to come, but she's busy in the Hoenn Region."

"I know, our Grandma suggested her to try Contests there," I mention.

Later, we head back to Pallet Town, where Professor Oak and Samson Oak greet each other warmly. As usual, Professor Oak decides to share a poem with us. My Mom interjects, "I asked these four to be your guides because they will be great."

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