Chapter 49

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As we finally reach the Altar of the Sunne, we discover Hapu has already caught up to us. "Our history tells us that the Vast Poni Canyon trial was the very first trial ever to be held. You did a fine job clearing it, just as expected, Ash and Lillie."

"Thank you," Lillie and I respond in unison.

Observing us both, Hapu expresses her confidence, "Look at the two of you. I think this might just work out. No, I am quite sure of it!"

My gaze shifts to the flutes in my possession. "The Sun Flute...and the Moon Flute. If we sound both together..."

As we ascend to the peak of the Altar, Lillie remarks, "I can feel the strong power of the sun. Nebby... Before I can return you back to your original form, I've got to go find my mother! I have to tell her... I have to tell her how I feel... And then we will find a way to stand against Necrozma together!"

I add, "The Moon Flute... It feels like it was made to fit my hand. I think I can play it..."

"Then I'll play the Sun Flute," Lillie affirms.

Both of us position ourselves on the stage designated for the flute players, a sense of purpose guiding our movements. We begin to blow into the flutes, each instrument emitting its distinct melody. The sound resonates across the Altar of the Sunne, a harmonious blend of the Sun Flute's radiant tones and the Moon Flute's ethereal music, intertwining to create a mesmerizing melody that fills the air around us.

As the melody from the Sun Flute and the Moon Flute resonates through the air, a radiant glow envelops the stage beneath us. The energy surges upward, pulsating through the Altar and converging at its peak. The previously concealed spot opens, revealing a large sun-shaped emblem that emits a brilliant glow.

Nebby, responding to the energy and the celestial resonance, emerges from Lillie's bag. It gracefully flies toward the illuminated spot, positioned at the epicenter of the radiant glow. Bathed in the radiant light, Nebby undergoes a remarkable transformation, evolving before our eyes.

Upon completion, Nebby transcends into its majestic form as Solgaleo, its magnificent mane and luminous body radiating with a captivating brilliance, embodying the sun's majestic power.

"Solgaleo..." Nate utters in awe.

"Wow... I can't believe I can see it in person..." Selene remarks, marveling at the majestic Pokémon.

"Nebby... th-thank're all right... Please don't ever do that again! You made me worry so much!" Lillie expresses with relief, embracing Nebby affectionately by hugging its radiant mane. "And I never imagined that sounding the flutes would give you so much power... or let you evolve into the Legendary Pokémon!"

I step forward, addressing Nebby earnestly, "Please, Nebby, we need to find Ms. Lusamine! Alola needs protection, but she doesn't have to confront Necrozma alone!"

In a surprising display of acknowledgment, Nebby nods in response to my plea. Then, to my astonishment, Nebby gives me an affectionate lick, a gesture that resonates deeply, signifying its understanding and agreement with our shared goal to help Lusamine and safeguard Alola.

"Now we can finally follow after Mother and..." Lillie begins, her sentence abruptly cut short as a Wormhole materializes right before us. In an unexpected turn of events, Guzma, the leader of Team Skull, falls through the Wormhole and lands directly in front of us, catching us off guard.

"M-Mr. Guzma! But you were..." I start, stunned by Guzma's sudden appearance.

In a startling turn of events, Lusamine also falls to the ground, joining Guzma. "Guh! Mother as well?!" Lillie exclaims in surprise and disbelief, taken aback by her mother's unexpected arrival alongside Guzma through the Wormhole.

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