You're never here

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January 6th
Sunday morning


"Where are you lot off to?"

Peter glanced up as he put on his coat, "To church." He replied.

Susan frowned a little. "Church?"

"Yeah," Peter said slowly. "That is what some people do on a Sunday morning right?"

"Yes," Susan said. "But since when do you all go?"

Peter sighed. "A couple months Susan," He said. "But hey, you're never here anymore so, how would you know?"

"Pete." Edmund murmured quietly, placing a hand on his brothers shoulder.

Susan stared at Peter for a while, before shrugging. "Well, it may shock you to know that I have friends and do like spending time with them." She told her siblings.

"More than you like spending time with your family?"

"Come on, we're leaving." Edmund said quickly, steering Peter down the hallway.

Lucy opened the door, waiting until Peter and Edmund were out before following, closing it behind her with a sigh.

"What was that for?" Peter asked, turning to Edmund.

Edmund sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Well I for one don't think I could handle a full blown argument between the two of you." He told his brother.

Peter stared at him for a second or two, before taking a deep breath. "Yeah okay," He breathed, not able to deny that that definitely could've happened if they hadn't left.

"Now come on," Edmund said with a gentle smile. "Or we'll be late."

A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now