I'm not proud of it

87 12 0

April 22nd
Run for your life


Edmund took a shaky breath, blood dripping from his nose, staring into the eyes of his once friend, who was glaring at him.

He didn't even think about what he did next, and it shocked everyone.

Using all his strength he punched James in the stomach before aiming for his face, and his fist met its mark.

It wasn't like him to fight back, not anymore anyway, but he'd just about had enough, and he could not be dealing with this today.

James took a moment to recover, in which Edmund was also doing the same, wiping away the blood as best he could.

James looked up after a moment, and he looked angrier than Edmund had ever seen him. "Run," He hissed. "Run for your life, because you're gonna need to."

"How about you run?"

Edmund turned to his left, slightly relieved to see Peter stood at the end of the corridor, glaring at everyone except him.

James seemed to look between the older and the younger brother a few times, before he scoffed and marched off, his friends following quickly behind.

Everyone knew better than to mess with Edmund when Peter was around, it just never ended well.

Peter sighed, walking up to his brother. "You okay?" He asked hesitantly.

Edmund smiled gently. "Yeah," He breathed.

"You don't look it." Peter pointed out.

Edmund raised an eyebrow. "I have just been punched in the face, so maybe that's why?" He said.

"See now that could be it." Peter said with a soft, caring smile, sitting Edmund down on the floor against the wall and giving him a handkerchief for his nose.

Edmund thanked him, holding the handkerchief up to hopefully stop the bleeding.

"Did you punch him back?" Peter asked after seeing the split in Edmunds knuckles.

Edmund sighed. "Yeah," He murmured. "But I'm not proud of it."

"Don't worry," Peter said, shaking his head. "I don't blame you, I'd have done the same."

Edmund chuckled a little. "I know." He breathed. "Thank you."

Peter smiled. "Don't mention it."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now