Why won't you listen?

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June 12th
Don't tell me


"I don't wanna hear it Ed."

Edmund crossed his arms, glaring at his brother. "Why won't you just listen!?" He snapped.

Peter scoffed. "I don't wanna hear about why you started that fight, so please don't tell me." He replied.

"Why are you angry when you don't even know why I started the fight?!" Edmund cried.

"Because I know you!" Peter argued. "I know what you're like lately, just last week you walked out of a lesson because a teacher annoyed you, like who are you?!"

Edmund stayed glaring at his brother for ages, before he let out a frustrated noise. "It wasn't my fault, this fight-"

"I said don't tell me." Peter cut him off, raising his hands. "I want nothing to do with it."

"What on earth is going on over here?"

Peter and Edmund looked over when they heard the librarian's voice.

"Need I remind you boys that this is a library." He hissed. "Now either keep your voices down or take your argument somewhere else, people are trying to work."

They watched him wander off before turning back to each other.

"You better sort your behaviour out, because it's absolutely ridiculous and I can't deal with it anymore." Peter told his brother. "And next time I write to mum you can be sure she's going to hear about this."

Edmund glared at him. "I hate you." He hissed, before marching away.

Peter watched him go before sighing, running a hand through his hair, Edmund was becoming a nightmare, and he hated it.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now