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March 14th
Who did this to you?


"Hey, you don't have any books to help with this history assignment do you?" Peter muttered as he walked over to his brother, who was sat in the school library at a table, clutching a book in his hands.

Edmund looked up when he walked over, but this only caused Peter to stop dead, heart dropping.

"What happened?" He exclaimed, sounding shocked.

Edmund sighed, aware of his split lip and the dark bruise covering most of his chin, decorated with small scratches.

He cleared his throat, shrugging. "Tripped and fell." He muttered, before turning back to his book.

Peter frowned a little at this reply, not really believing it.

He sat down opposite his brother at the table, leaning forward. "You gonna tell me the truth or-?" He asked.

Edmund didn't look up, but Peter saw him swallow hard and shift uncomfortably in his seat.

He didn't answer though, so Peter took a deep breath. "Who did this to you?" He asked instead, voice firm but still gentle. "I'm not stupid Ed."

Edmund hesitated, but he knew Peter wasn't gonna leave him alone until he said. "Just a group of idiots okay." He murmured.

"Who?" Peter asked, annoyed that someone had purposely hurt his brother.

"It doesn't matter." Edmund replied.

"Yes it does."

"No it doesn't."

Peter stared at him for a while, sitting up. "If you tell me I won't do anything okay?" He asked, knowing that's what Edmund was worried about.

Edmund sighed, closing his book and placing it on the table. "It was only James." He muttered. "Would've thought you'd guessed that."

"What did he do?" Peter muttered.

Edmund just shrugged, standing and walking over to put the book back on the shelf, explaining as he walked back. "I was just walking outside, he happened to be there, stuck out his foot and tripped me up. I went flying, to put it lightly."

"Did you do anything?"

"What could I do?" Edmund muttered, sitting back down. "I wasn't gonna fight back."

Peter sighed. "I guess not." He breathed. "You okay though?"

Edmund nodded. "Yeah," He replied quietly. "I've gotten used to it I guess. It's just annoying coming back from Narnia for a second time, returning to school and still having to put up with crap like this."

Peter bit his lip, he couldn't really relate to what Edmund was going through, after all he'd never really been bullied.

Peter was always the popular one in school, the sporty one, the one everyone made friends with and - when he got older - had crushes on. He was a favourite with the teachers because of his caring nature and leadership skills, and pretty much everybody liked him, and the ones who didn't, wouldn't ever dare pick on him the way they picked on others.

Edmund on the other hand had had to put up with years of relentless bullying. The kids always picked on his when he was younger, and he never got a break from the constant teasing until he had enough and became one of the bullies. Although after his first visit to Narnia he stopped that nonsense and went back to the bullied instead of the bully, and up until this day he was always the smart, know it all that so many people just seemed to hate, though not through fault of Edmund himself, people just hated the fact that he used to be such a mean little kid and had changed into someone like his brother.

"If you ever need me to sort things out you know I will." Peter told him.

Edmund smiled weakly. "I do know you will," He breathed. "But it hasn't stopped them before, so I don't see how it would stop them now."

Peter sighed, but he knew he was right.

"You wanted a book?" Edmund asked, basically ending the conversation there, and Peter respected this and nodded.

"Yeah, I got this bloody history assignment due on Monday..."


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