
131 13 0

February 10th
It'll be easy


"Yeah I'm not too sure."

Peter stared at his brother for a moment, hesitating. "You've ridden a horse before right?" He remembered.

Edmund nearly laughed. "Yeah, but that was five years ago, and it did nothing more than trot." He said. "For like five minutes too. There's no way I can ride."

"Come on," Peter breathed. "It'll be easy."

Edmund raised an eyebrow. "Will it?" He replied, staring at the light brown horse, who was just happily munching at the grass below.

"I'll help you up." Peter said hesitantly, walking over and offering Edmund his hand.

Edmund looked slightly touched by this, and let Peter help him out, struggling a bit trying to get his leg over, and unable to keep back the hiss of pain as he sat in the saddle, the movement pulling and his sore muscles and ripping open wounds on his back.

He cursed under his breath, and any other time Peter probably would've given him a stern glare, but he only gripped Edmunds hand tighter, a look of sympathy filling his blue eyes. "You okay." He asked slowly.

Edmund took a moment to compose himself before he nodded a little, prying his eyes open and taking a deep breath. "Yep," He murmured. "Totally fine."

Peter bit his lip. "Look, if you're not up to riding, I can talk to Orious-"

"No, no." Edmund sighed. "I'm fine, don't worry."

Peter didn't look too sure, but he nodded and let go of his little brother's hand, but he stayed standing where he was. "If you need to we can stop." He told him.

Edmund blinked a few times, just nodding his head as he grabbed the reins. "Yeah." He breathed.

"Don't fall off." Peter said with a smirk, attempting to lighten the mood a little.

Edmund took a deep breath. "I won't." He replied. "Like you said, it'll be easy."

Peter smiled a little, before heading over to the white unicorn, still trying to convince himself that it was in fact a unicorn.

"Right," He overheard Edmund whisper. "Let's do this."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now