I'm here if you need me

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March 28th
Three in the morning


Edmund snuck into the bedroom extremely late that night, being met with complete darkness, which he took to be a good sign, it meant his brother was fast asleep in bed.

He crept across the room, trying his hardest not to make a single noise, not wanting to be caught up so late.

But of course, sharing a room with the lightest sleeper he'd ever met wasn't the greatest thing.

Before he even knew it Peter was awake, had lit a candle and was staring at him, frowning. "What time is it?" He mumbled, rubbing at his eyes.

Edmund hesitated. "Three in the morning." He whispered.

"Three?!" Peter breathed. "Why are you up?"

Edmund didn't know what to say for a while, before he just shrugged a little. "Couldn't sleep and went for a walk." He murmured, and honestly, it was true. "The castle is peaceful at night."

Peter stared at him for a while. "Why couldn't you sleep?" He asked, sounding as though he already knew the answer.

Edmund wanted to lie, but after everything that had happened recently, he just couldn't bring himself to. "Just too much thinking." He murmured. "Couldn't get any of it out of my head."

Peter sighed a little, knowing he meant the Witch, and nodded slowly. "You okay?" He asked.

Edmund shrugged. "We'll find out when I try and sleep again." He replied quietly.

Peter nodded again. "I'm here if you need me yeah?" He asked.

Edmund was quiet and still for a long time, before he made his way over to his brother's bed, and Peter instantly moved over, pulling back the blanket and letting his brother climb in beside him.

"Thank you." Edmund whispered, pulling the blanket up to his chin.

Peter smiled. "Okay." He whispered. "Now come on, you're tired and need sleep."

Edmund nodded, he couldn't argue with that.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now