What hurt him the most

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June 10th
Always fighting


"I just don't get it!"

"Neither do I."

"He's always fighting and I don't know why or how to get him to stop." Edmund muttered.

Susan sighed a little as she dabbed at the gash on Edmund's face. "Do you really have to get involved though?" She asked quietly.

Edmund blinked at her. "Well I can't just stand there and watch can I?" He said.

Susan hesitated. "I guess not." She sighed.

Edmund was quiet for a moment before speaking again. "I just don't like it, he's not Peter anymore and it's horrible." He said. "You know who he's acting like?"

"Go on."

"He's acting like me, before Narnia." Edmund said rather abruptly. "And Aslan knows I was a right little brat."

Susan couldn't really argue with that, after all there was truth in every single word her brother had just spoken, and it hurt. "Well, hopefully he sees sense at some point soon." She murmured. "Because this cannot keep happening."

"You're telling me."

He flinched when Susan placed the cloth against a deeper part of the gash, before sighing. "Do you have any idea where he went?" He asked.

Susan just shrugged a little. "I have no idea." She breathed. "But I doubt he went far, it's starting to rain."

Edmund glanced out the window at the dark clouds, wishing Peter would just come home so they could talk.

But that wouldn't happen would It?

Peter didn't talk anymore.

He'd come home, walk upstairs and go and sit on his bed... He probably wouldn't even acknowledge Edmund.

And if Edmund was honest, that's what hurt him the most.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now