I feel awful

68 11 0

July 1st
I did something terrible


"I did something terrible."

Peter turned around, frowning at his brother. "You what?" He asked.

Edmund sighed. "I did something terrible." He repeated.

"Like what?" Was the response.

Edmund flopped down on the bed, groaning. "I literally fell asleep in class!" He exclaimed. "Like who does that?!"

Peter found himself laughing at this. "Um, everyone?" He said.

Edmund groaned. "No but I felt so bad because it was a History class and we had this old guy teaching us and he seemed so enthusiastic about it and I just nodded off without meaning to-"

"Ed, if you're falling asleep during a history lesson then you're clearly tired." Peter pointed out, looking a little concerned. "You didn't do anything bad so just relax."

Edmund sighed. "I still feel awful." He grumbled. "It was an interesting lesson too."

Peter raised an eyebrow. "Maybe you should have an early night tonight." He said. "Because I don't think falling asleep during lessons is the best way to get some rest."

"You don't say." Edmund muttered sarcastically, sitting up and running a hand through his already messy hair.

Peter chuckled to himself. "No but seriously, all jokes aside, please get some actual proper sleep." He said, reaching for his bag. "Or I'll make sure you do one way or another."

"That sounds threatening." Edmund said.

Peter just gave him a look.

"Yeah yeah okay," Edmund breathed. "I promise I'll get some proper sleep, you don't have to worry."

Peter snorted. "Why don't I believe you?"


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now