Just a kid

146 12 1

February 14th
I'm not a hero


"How on earth do they expect me to do this?"

Susan sighed a little, staring at Peter as he secured his sword around his waist, fully dressed in his Narnian clothing, looking so much older than he had a few days ago.

"They really expect me to help fight a war, against an evil witch?" Peter continued. "It's ridiculous, I'm not a hero, I'm literally just a kid, kids don't lead wars, even back home you have to be eighteen, I'm not eighteen. Do I look like I can fight in a war? It's-"

"Peter." Susan cut him off, standing and walking over, gripping his shoulders. "Take a deep breath."

Peter stared at his sister, before doing as he was told, sighing after. "Sorry." He murmured.

"You're okay." Susan told him, voice quiet and soft.

Peter swallowed hard. "All I want is to get Edmund back." He murmured. "We didn't sign up for this war."

"I know, I know." Susan said with a nod. "And we will get Edmund back, that I can promise you. After that we'll figure out what to do okay?"

Peter nodded back a little, sighing. "You think he's okay?" He whispered.

Susan hesitated, forcing back the tears. "I'm sure he's fine." She replied, although she didn't believe herself.

And neither did Peter, but he nodded anyway, despite the growing fear that when they found Edmund, it would be too late.

"I should go and find Lucy." Susan sighed after a while of silence.

"Okay." Peter murmured. "I'm gonna go for a walk."

"Alright." Susan said with a gentle smile. "I'll see you later okay?"


"Try not to worry too much." Susan told him. "It won't help."

Peter was unsure if he could keep that promise, "I'll try." He told her instead.

Susan nodded, giving her older brother a hug before slipping out the tent, heading off to find Lucy.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now