Let me help

138 12 1

January 29th
I deserve this


"Ed talk to me."

Edmund had been pretty much silent since Peter had entered the tent, and Peter was beginning to get worried despite everything.

Edmund swallowed hard at this, hands visibly shaking where they laid in his lap, licking his split lip and trying to calm his pounding heart.

"You're hurt and I want to help."

This sentence caused Edmund more pain than the lashes marring his back, because why on earth would Peter want to help someone like him?

"I - I deserve this." He finally whispered, almost without realising he'd spoken, and it was clear that he took both himself and Peter by surprise.

"Why would you say that?" Peter breathed.

"Because I do." Edmund muttered, finding his voice. "After what I did I deserve worse."

"Please stop." Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair.

Edmund stared at him for a moment before dropping his gaze to the ground, where it remained.

"Like I said before, I want to help you Ed." Peter said. "I don't care whether you think you deserve this or not, because I certainly don't think you deserve it. At the end of the day you're my brother, and if you're hurt I'll do anything I can to stop that."

Edmund blinked back the sudden tears that stung at his eyes, and sniffed, taking a deep breath. "I-" But he had no idea what to say.

Peter stared at him for a while, before walking over and kneeling in front of him. "Let me help." He almost whispered.

It took a while, but eventually Edmund nodded his head, glancing up at his brother for a second before letting his gaze drop again.

Peter sighed a little. "Wait here yeah?" He murmured.

Edmund just nodded.

Peter stayed where he was for a moment, before he rose to his feet, ran a hand through his hair again, and hurried off to gather whatever would help his brother in any way.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now