could be better, could be worse

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June 23rd
The end of the week


"Look, how about we relax today?"

Edmund frowned. "What happened to going for a ride?" He asked.

Peter sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's the end of the week Ed, and it's been an extremely long week." He murmured. "How about we rest for today and then we can go for a ride tomorrow morning?"

Edmund stared at him before nodding. "Yeah okay." He breathed. "You alright though?"

Peter shrugged. "Could be better, could be worse." He muttered.

"I told you you're doing too much three days ago, yet you still carried on." Edmund said. "You need to learn when to stop."

Peter laughed. "I haven't had the time to stop." He murmured. "This has been my first day off all week."

"And it's the last day of the week." Edmund pointed out. "You've been non stop for six days, surely that's not healthy."

"You do it when you need to."

Edmund was silenced by this, because he couldn't deny it or argue, they both knew it was true. "Yeah whatever." He grumbled.

Peter smiled a little. "I'm gonna go back to bed." He said. "Come get me if I'm not down for lunch."

Edmund actually chuckled a little at this. "Will do."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now