Get your act together

145 13 1

February 12th
I'm your big brother


"Okay this is getting ridiculous now."

Peter raised an eyebrow. "What is?" He asked.

"You, you're getting ridiculous." Edmund snapped back. "When Dad told you to look after us I don't think he meant be an insufferable git until he gets back."

Peter nearly laughed. "I'm the insufferable git?" He asked.

"You won't leave me alone!" Edmund argued.

"Well maybe if you decided to step foot outside this room at some point I wouldn't have to keep hassling you like this." Peter told him.

"Just go away." Edmund muttered, turning away.

"No," Peter replied. "You've been up here for days, you've barely left, you don't even eat dinner with us anymore and even mum's getting annoyed now."

Edmund just shrugged.

"Look, we're all going through the same thing here okay, and your behaviour was understandable for a while-" Peter paused to shake his head. "But now it's gone too far."

"If you don't like it then just go away." Edmund told him. "I don't see why you have to get involved."

"I get involved because like it or not I'm your big brother." Peter said firmly. "And like it or not Dad made me promise to look after you all, you included Edmund. And you're certainly not looking after yourself by locking yourself in this room for hours on end."

"I'm perfectly fine." Edmund snapped.

"You are not and you know that too." Peter said. "Just come down and have dinner with us?"

"I'm not hungry."

"You can't not be hungry, you didn't eat lunch." Peter pointed out.

Edmund just shrugged once again.

"Look, Mum cannot deal with this okay." Peter hissed. "She's already going through enough and she doesn't need one of her children acting like a complete brat."

Edmund didn't say anything.

"So get your act together." Peter added. "I've tried being gentle with you but I'm getting annoyed now too, and trust me, you don't want to push me right now."

Again, Edmund stayed silent.

"Stay up here if you want to, I don't care." Peter said eventually. "But I hope you understand what you're doing to this family, and I hope you choose to stop shutting us all out and acting like an idiot."

Was everything he said somewhat harsh?



But at this point, he didn't care.

He'd had enough of Edmund's behaviour.

And he wasn't gonna hide that.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now