Single combat

128 14 1

February 6th
I can't lose you


"This is absolutely ridiculous Edmund."

"No, it's not."

Peter nearly laughed. "I beg to differ." He argued firmly.

"Okay, so you're telling me you will take place in a single combat with a raging fever? Whilst you're throwing up every hour, whilst you're dizzy? Peter you can hardly stand." Edmund asked.

Peter glared at his brother as much as he could. "Still, this does not mean that you have to take my place." He said, voice weaker than he would've liked.

"Who else would you want to do it?" Edmund muttered. "You wouldn't let Susan or Lucy do it, so that leaves me."

"I should be doing it." Peter said.

"And you would be if you could." Edmund told him. "But if you go out there now, I hate to break it to you Pete, but you will die."

Peter stared at Edmund for a long time, tears in his bloodshot eyes. "I - I can't lose you." He whispered, voice cracking

Edmund sighed sadly as he sat down on the edge of the bed, dressed in full armour with his sword at his side. "You aren't going to lose me," He murmured. "I will be fine."

Peter shook his head. "You don't know that." He whispered.

"Peter I swear I will come back up here later and I will be absolutely fine." Edmund reassured him. "You on the other hand need to get some rest."

Peter snorted. "Like I'm going to be able to rest with you fighting a duel to the death." He grumbled.

Edmund sighed again. "I promise you I'll be okay." He said. "But I've gotta go now."

Peter looked terrified, and he immediately pulled Edmund into a weak hug. "If you don't come back I'll kill you." He whispered.

Edmund forced a smile. "I'm sure you will."


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