I don't like it

211 16 3

January 10th
Is it over now


"I don't like it."

Everyone glanced at Edmund, who was sat curled up on his dad's lap, face hidden in his shoulder.

"It'll be over soon." Helen said gently, sat on the armchair, her knitting in her hands.

"It's too loud." Lucy added, staring at the curtains, a small frown on her face.

Peter was watching her, a fondness in his eyes, surprised at how calm she was about it all, compared to Edmund.

Edmund was definitely the only one of them who very much hated thunderstorms, he'd shake like a leaf at the first flash of lightening, and considering he was only six, he'd cling to whoever was closest until the storm had passed.

"Hey," John said gently, talking into his youngest sons ear. "If you count the seconds between the flash of lightening and the rumble of thunder, it'll tell you how many miles away the storm is. A second equals a mile."

Edmund didn't respond to this, only pressed himself closer to his Dad, clearly uncomfortable.

A flash of lightening lit up the living room, Edmund jumping at it and Lucy's frown getting deeper.

"It can't hurt us can it?"

Susan chuckled. "Of course not Lucy." She said quite happily.

A rumble of thunder made Edmund glance over at Peter, who smiled a little. "It's five miles away." He said. "Nowhere near us."

"It'll pass over soon I reckon." Helen told her family. "And then I think it's time for bed."

The six waited impatiently and patiently for the storm to pass over, until Edmund took a deep breath. "Is it over now?" He asked after at least ten minutes of calm.

John smiled. "I reckon so." He replied, rubbing his hand up and down Edmund's arm. "Come on, I'll take you upstairs."

The two disappeared, Lucy and Susan quickly following them up the stairs.


Peter stopped in the doorway at the sound of his mum's voice, turning and giving her a small frown.

"Keep an eye on your brother yeah?" She said, a slightly amused tone in her voice. "Poor boy probably won't be asleep for a while yet."

Peter smiled a little. "I will." He said. "Don't worry."

Edmund was already tucked into bed by the time he got to their room, and he couldn't help but smile as his Dad handed Edmund his favourite book.

"Don't tell your mum and don't stay up too much later." He whispered, before slipping from the room.

Edmund didn't hesitate as he opened up his book, and Peter gave him a smile, left the light on, and climbed into his own bed.

"Remember what Dad said," He said. "Not too late."

Edmund just hummed at him, clearly already too engrossed in what he was reading, and this made Peter laugh a little.




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