It's not that deep

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June 25th
I trusted you


"Oh come on!"


"I trusted you?!"

Peter laughed. "It's not that deep Ed." He breathed.

"I specifically said don't touch my food," Edmund replied, hands on hips. "I leave for five minutes and what do you do?"

Peter shrugged innocently.

"You eat my food." Edmund grumbled the answer.

Peter smiled. "I'll make you some more don't worry." He reassured his brother.

Edmund rolled his eyes. "Dunno why you couldn't just make your own." He muttered.

"Couldn't wait that long." Peter told him. "Too hungry."

"I'm hungry!" Edmund cried.

"You're always hungry." Peter teased.

Edmund stared at him. "You're so annoying." He said, not looking happy.

Peter just grinned. "Thank you."


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now