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February 23rd
A million dreams


Lucy loved to read.

She was in no way the known reader of the family (that title went to Edmund or Susan), but that didn't mean she didn't enjoy books.

The books she read were full of fantasy and adventures. Fictional worlds with pirates, places you could fly, where any dream that you wished would come true.

Lucy adored these books.

She adored the magic they brought, even at such a young age.

These books made her want to experience everything for herself.

A million dreams crossed her mind every time she flicked through the pages.

Because who wouldn't wish for a bit of magic in their life?

A bit of magic to break through the pain of reality, especially in the time they were living in.

But what Lucy didn't know, as she sat reading all these books, was that she would be able to write her own book one day.

A book full of magic, and happiness, and joy, and dreams.

All of this was coming her way...

She just didn't know it.


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