One thing

135 10 1

January 27th


The one thing that was left on her desk.

The one thing she couldn't make herself pack away.

She'd packed away everything else, everything that was theirs, and it had taken her over a year to slowly say goodbye and let go, but this was one thing that she didn't want to bury beneath the cardboard of a box.

Their smiles in the photograph made her smile, and it was the only picture of them all together that made her feel happy.

Every other picture was packed away along with everything else, but there was something special about this picture, she didn't know what it was, but it brought her joy instead of pain, and happiness instead of sadness.

She picked up the photograph and gripped it in her hands, staring at each of her siblings, smiles on their faces, looking genuinely happy.

She missed these times, it had been over a year but she still missed them, and she'd go on missing them for the rest of her life.

After losing her family she'd realised one thing among many, and that was that a photograph can mean more to someone than anything, and this photograph was everything to her.


A year as a Narnian - 2024 (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now