Bad idea

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May 28th


"You look like you're in pain."

Edmund glanced up from his work, finding Peter stood beside him, a small frown on his face.

Edmund just sighed, shrugging. "Got a horrible headache." He grumbled.

"Migraine?" Peter asked.

"It's getting there." Edmund mumbled, turning back to his papers.

"Well don't carry on working." Peter told him. "Go take a nap."

Edmund sighed. "I'd rather get this done now." He said.

Peter raised an eyebrow. "And I'd rather you didn't give yourself a migraine." He replied. "So please, go to bed for an hour."

Edmund groaned.

"Ed." Peter said firmly. "There's no point making things worse."

Edmund hesitated, but he knew Peter was right, and he didn't need telling again as he stood up, however he felt nauseous the second he did, and his headache grew five times worse.

"Bad idea." He muttered under his breath.

Peter wrapped an arm around his waist, steering him towards his bed. "Come on," He murmured gently.

Once Edmund was in bed and under the duvet Peter walked over and drew the thick curtains, making sure the room was as dark as possible before walking back over to his brother.

"You need any water?" He asked quietly.

Edmund was going to nod but clearly decided against it quickly enough. "Yeah please." He whispered in reply instead.

Peter smiled gently. "I'll grab you some, get some sleep though yeah?" He said.

"Yeah," Edmund breathed. "Thanks."


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