I hate this

127 14 2

February 28th
I love you, but...


Edmund lay on his bed, not moving a muscle, pain shooting up and down every inch of his body, from head to toe.

The world tilted around him despite him being layed down, and he felt so sick he was surprised he hadn't hurled yet.

It was a miracle he'd made it back home, up the stairs, across the hallway and into his room without passing out, and he was questioning why on earth he was still conscious.

Those boys had been brutal.

He let his head fall to the side when he heard the door burst open, and he couldn't say he was surprised to see Peter.

"What the heck were you thinking!?" The blonde all but screamed at him, and Edmund thought how much of a blessing it was that they were home alone for the next few hours.

Edmund snorted. "I guess I wasn't really thinking at all." He whispered, his head pounding at every word.

"You're such an idiot!" Peter screamed again.

Edmund rolled his eyes. "You're the idiot." He muttered through gritted teeth. "Perhaps if you stop getting into fights you can't win on your own, I won't have to become a so called idiot."

"I never ask you to join in." Peter hissed, glaring at his brother.

Edmund sighed. "Look," He grumbled, voice croaky and choked. "The world is currently spinning okay? I feel like I could throw up at any minute, I have bruises already forming all over my bloody torso and moving any inch of my body hurts like hell. So maybe save the pointless lecture for another time?"

Peter blinked at him, not saying anything. But there was a hint of something in his stormy blue eyes, a hint of fear, of worry, of anger that was no longer directed at him, but at someone else, at those boys, yet again.

"Are you okay?" He whispered eventually, voice shaking.

Edmund nearly laughed, and he probably would've if it wouldn't of hurt so bad. "Look Peter," He breathed, still not moving. "I love you, but this is ridiculous. I hate this, and I hate you for making this all happen. Maybe try and pull yourself together, or one of us is gonna end up in a worse state that what I'm in right now."

Peter, not knowing what to say or do but knowing full well that Edmund didn't want anything to do with him at that precise moment, swallowed hard and left the room, closing the door quietly behind him.

Edmund breathed a sigh of relief when he was gone, and brought up an arm to cover his eyes, blocking out the painful light that was just making his head hurt even worse.

He hated this.

He hated this so much.


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