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Present day

My world shattered around me, the words that left the mouth of the man in front of me.

"You're fired"

I almost threw up, I hadn't even eaten today and I felt physically ill. Like everything I had ever wanted shattered in front of my eyes, glass surrounded my body as I looked forward unable to speak. I just stared, like someone that couldn't understand a word of english.

I just stared, taking everything in.

"Miss Fewtrell?" My attention is grabbed once again as I look at the man sat at the desk in front of me. My heart felt as if it had stopped beating all together, there was nothing left for me anymore.

I had spent the past six months working my ass off at this publishing company in London. A job that took me so long to get, I had to filter though stories and fetch coffee all day. That was my only job but it was in the field I was interested in, but here I am now.

It's done.

My dream of working my way up, through this company. Hoping someone would read my stories and think they were actually good, they all shattered in front of my eyes.

"Yes" I speak out, I look at my boss I never really liked him.

But this made me hate him even more, he never liked me either. I was fairly certain this came from a place of sexism, he had made many comments. I ignored them to keep the job, to keep my mouth shut.

"Did you hear what I said?" The attitude he had I wanted to launch across this table and smash his stupid head against his desk. "You're fired"

"I heard you" I speak, my eyes connected with his dull brown eyes.

I just knew he was the type of man to sit there on a first date and talk about how much money he made along with how women "have equal rights and doesn't know why we have to make a big deal"

I think I hate men more than I thought.

"Well can you leave then" He scoffs with a smirk that I wanted to rip from his smug face.

"Ass" I speak under my breath before walking out of the room.

I was never going to level up in this company, not with a misogynistic pig like that in charge. I walk onto the streets of central London, I wanted to burst into tears but crying on the streets of London would not make this situation better.

In fact it would make it so much worse.

I take my phone out and call the only person I could right now... My brother. Over the past few years our relationship had healed, a little bit anyways. We still weren't the closest but calling my parents right now wasn't something I wanted to deal with.

"Hello" I hear Max speak, it was this moment I debated why I called him. I couldn't speak, I just hold the phone to my ear no words leaving my mouth.

Max said hello over and over again a few times before I breathed loud enough for him to know I was there.

"Meg? Are you okay?" He asks me, when someone asks you are you okay when you're not okay.

It always causes a breakdown.

I began to cry, not a lot but enough for him to notice. Max lived in Monaco, right now that felt a million miles away. It wasn't a long flight but I needed someone right now and him not being here was hurting me more.

I wanted my brother right now.

That was rare, we argued at the best of times but sometimes he could be the only person I need.

A promise to keep [Lando Norris]Where stories live. Discover now