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I woke up in the arms of a man who confessed his love to me less than 24 hours ago. I should be waking up full of happiness and joy, but no.

I woke up pissed off.

The only image I had in my head was her hand on his chest. The way she smirked as she looked into his eyes, the way he played along with her for a few moments. Like he was enjoying the jealousy I was showing him.

I was jealous of him and this girl, of course I was I mean he was mine.

Last night Lando told me he was in love with me, he screamed it in my face. Confessing what I wanted to hear, but it only happened because I had stormed out. I guess my insecurities were the issue right now, I was scared that he only told me he was in love with me because I was mad at him.

I wiggle out of his grip as he continued to sleep, the second I was stood over him I had a feeling of sickness in my stomach. I looked down at a man that I had fallen in love with, I looked back at him.

During our argument he confessed he has slept with her. I was mad at him, because why did he invite her in the first place. I would never be okay with a girl he had slept with being there.

"Come back to bed" Lando groans, his eyes stay shut but he was aware of my presence lacking from the bed. I wish I wasn't so insecure, I wish that I wasn't so sensitive because I knew this would cause a problem between us.

But right now was scared everything that was said last night was a lie.

Maggie was beautiful, she was drop dead gorgeous and I was here sleeping with my brothers best friend.

"I'm okay" I speak before heading into the bathroom.

I get in the bathroom and look back at myself in the mirror. I looked like a mess, my hair was practically back combed and my mascara was smudged under my eyes.

I hear footsteps before the door opens, I turn my head to meet the eyes of Lando as he looked at me with a frown on his face. I wore his T shirt and my underwear, he stood there shirtless in his boxers. The second my eyes connect with his I look back away from them once again, I was scared.

I was scared that this love he had confessed for me wasn't true. I didn't want to be in another relationship like Ezra, I knew in my heart that Lando wouldn't do that to me.

I also couldn't help but listen to those voices that were telling me I wasn't quite good enough for him.

"Meg?" he questioned me, he stepped closer to me. I felt his hand come to my lower back as he touched me I pull away from him. "What's happened?"

Lando was genuinely confused, of course he was when we fell asleep we had told each other we were in love. Here I stand looking at him like I didn't know who he was, but I couldn't help but see him with another girl the second my eyes met with his.

"I don't want to talk about it" I snap, I was being harsh I knew I was being a bitch but my insecurities had taken every part of my being right now.

"I'm really fucking confused" He speaks with a frown on his face. "I told you I love you last night, now you're acting like I told you that you meant nothing to me"

"I said I don't want to talk about it" I speak once again, but Lando looked at me.

He looked at me like I was evil, like I had ruined everything. I guess I was, if I kept my mouth shut this morning could have been magical. But I couldn't keep my mind away from the image of Lando and Maggie sleeping together.

Everything he had done to me, I couldn't help but think he had done to her. If he had whispered the same sweet nothings he had said to me.

"Megan you're being weird" He scoffs, he was getting more annoyed at me by the second.


"Oh my god please just leave me alone!" I snap at him. "Go back to Maggie or something"

Why I was doing this I don't know?

I was here self sabotaging everything, Lando told me he was in love with me. I should be happy, I was in love with him anyone else would want to be told that he loved me back.

"Oh fuck off" He snaps right back at me, he pushed off the door frame as he want to walk away before coming right back. "Why the fuck are you ruining this?"

"Me!" I shout at him. "You brought a girl you've slept with to rub in my face"

I watch as Lando runs his hands down his face, I look at him waiting for him to say something or anything back to me.

It was almost like I wanted the argument, like I wanted him to fight for me.

"I told you she was there, I cannot control where she goes and I am sorry but I love you okay!" He snaps at me, I stand there looking back at him. "I didn't want to bring her and I didn't want her there in case you haven't noticed I only want you!"

"You've slept with her Lando!" I shout right back at him.

"You don't think I felt this way when you're fucking boyfriend showed up after you kissed me!" He threw it back in my face, Ezra and I weren't together when we kissed.

Sure Lando and I had a close call but I never cheated on him.

"You took him back after everything that happened between us, Do you not think that hurt me?"

"That was totally different"

"I apologised, you never did" he threw that back in my face.

I didn't say sorry, I never said sorry for what happened with the entire Ezra situation. Hearing his voice as it breaks in front of me it hurts, I don't want to hurt him but I had.

Lando had hurt me too.

God why was I ruining everything, I couldn't let myself just be happy.

We stood there staring at each other, waiting for the next person to say something. I wanted to tell him I was sorry and I didn't want to hurt him, I also didn't want to argue but I couldn't let myself say sorry.

"I have somewhere to be, why don't you message me when you decide to stop ruining this!" He snaps at me before waking away, he left me in the bathroom.

It was a few seconds before I heard the door slam, he had left me here.

His words about the entire Ezra situation hurt, the insinuation I had cheated on Ezra with him. I had a bad relationship with Ezra, but I fought for him for him to love me for a long time. He just didn't want me, so I picked Lando.

I was in love with Lando, I was so in love with him but I was sat here ruining everything.

Fuck this.

I grab my phone out and text Pietra.

Meg: Shopping trip? It's on Lando

Pietra: I won't say no to that!

I was here ruining everything, I hated what I was doing but it was as if my mind wouldn't allow me to be happy. The second the comment about Ez left his mouth, I was ready for revenge.


Sorry this was sooo bad! I am still hungover

Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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