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She was lying I know she was lying but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. I had no idea why she would want to lie, why she would want to hurt me?

"Shes back with Ezra apparently" I speak monotone as I walk into the apartment Max and I had rented.

I watch as his face drops, he looked at me with shock and pain in his eyes. Max caused this, Max caused the lies to be created. I knew she didn't want to hurt me, but she wanted me to hate her. I would never hate her, no matter what she did to me.

I couldn't hate her.

I knew her too well to know that she wouldn't actually do that to me. She would never do anything to hurt me, she just wanted to make this easier on me.

"I'm so sorr-"

"She's not with him" I cut him off, I didn't need him to apologise for something that hadn't and will not happen. "She's just trying to make this easier"


As if losing her would ever be easy. She's like the brightest star in the sky, the second she's gone the entire world feels bleak. Everyone is looking for the star that was once there, but it's just cloudy right now. She will come back, I know she will.

"Lando I'm so sorry for this entire thing"

"I don't need you to apologise right now, I need you to help me get her back. She thinks you hate her, you need to tell her you don't, that you want us together"

Max looks at me and nods, but I know deep down nothing anyone can say will change her. Meg is stubborn, if she thinks this is for the best then she won't change her mind.

No matter what happens.

I just hope that time will help her understand she isn't okay without me, I'm sure as hell not happier without her. My heart hurts, I just want her back.

"She text me to check on you" Max confesses, if there was anything I could do right now it was leave her.

I knew her like the back of my hand, I could fight for her. I could show up at her door everyday until I had her back, I could send her roses every single day. I could do a lot to tell her I want her back, but nothing will change someone's mind that's made up.

She thinks this is for the best, only time will tell her it's not.

I will give her time, I just hope it won't take too long.

"Will you tell her to unblock me for me to message her one thing?" I ask him, I watch as he nods quickly.

The speed he typed was like there was steam coming off of his fingers. The message sent and a few seconds later a ding came through, I looked down at him waiting to see what she had said.

He doesn't reply with words, instead he just nods at me. I take my phone out knowing I had once chance to get through to a woman I loved, a woman I needed in my life. I refused to lose her.

Lando: Hey baby, I know that this is hard for you even though you're pretending it's not. You put on a brave face, I also know you lied about Ezra. I know what you're doing Meg, trying to make this easier for me by making me hate you? I could never hate you Megan. I hope you know that I know you're lying, I also want you to know that I'm not giving up on you but I am giving you time. You will realise that were meant to be, that what anyone else has to say means nothing. I just want you to know that I will be here when you change your mind, I don't care if it's weeks, months or years. I love you and I would wait the rest of my life just to hold you once again. I'm not going to give up on you, so don't give up on me will you? I love you my girl always x

The message sent and she read it right away, but there was no reply.



I sat on the floor with my knees upto my chest, I had my phone in my hand as I read the message over and over again. The same message over and over again.

He wasn't giving up on me, he wanted to wait for me. I just didn't know if that was fair, I wanted him of course I fucking did. I just couldn't run back to him, I had hurt him and I was scared I would just do it over again.

I never wanted to hurt him, he had promised he wouldn't hurt me but I had hurt him. God had I hurt him.

I could see it in his eyes, the pain that I had caused. I never wanted to hurt him, not at all.

I hear the door knock, but I don't answer I didn't want to see anyone. Not now.

"Meg it's P" I hear her voice, fuck I needed her. I stand up quickly and swing the door open, before she even had a chance to do anything I embrace her in my arms as I broke down.

"I ruined it" I sob into her shoulder. "I hurt him so badly"

"Meg he wants you back" She speaks to me, I shake my head.

How could I go back and look someone in the eyes that I had hurt so badly. That had been nothing but there for me, he told me he would wait forever for me. I didn't deserve that, I told him I was back with my ex to hurt him.

I wanted him to hurt, to hate me so he would get over me.

What kind of a person does that?

I don't deserve Lando Norris and I never will.

"I don't deserve him P" I pull away from her as I take my phone out and hand it to her. "I lied to him and told him I was back with Ezra"

I watch as her face darts up to mine, shock was plastered across it. I couldn't believe I had done that either, fuck I had hurt him.

I hurt him so bad.

"Meg why?" She asks me, I look at her with nothing to say. "You're stupid you know that"

"I know!" I cry out to her, I turn around and walk over to the couch. P follows me as she sits next to me reading the message Lando had sent me, the message I didn't deserve to get. "I don't want to hurt him anymore"

"You're not going to text him back are you?"

"No" I speak softly "He won't wait forever"

He said he would but no one would wait forever, they couldn't.

"I think he will" She tells me, I sigh as I throw my head into my hands. I sobbed once again, I really had ruined my life here. "Why won't you just take him back?"

"I hurt him, I've put him through the worst pain ever. What kind of a person just goes back to someone after doing that? I broke your heart but sike i'm back"

I watch as she shake her head at me, I think deep down she knew I was right. That I couldn't do that to him, we both needed time to heal a little I know I did. We moved so fast, he had loved before me.

He would love after me.


Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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