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"Ruby I mean it when I say put that down!" I shout, I was so close to pulling my hair out today it was insane.

I don't know why I ever thought having two kids under two kids under four was a good idea. I had been driven crazy from the moment I had given birth to our son Harrison. Lando was still doing amazing in F1 in fact if this weekend goes how I expected it to then I would have a world champion for a Husband.

I walk over to Ruby who was currently playing with Lando's trophies. She loved nothing more than playing with them, Lando being a softy always allowed her but after the loss of parts from some she's been banned. I was pretty sure Lando still let her when I wasn't around but that wasn't my issue right now.

"When is daddy back" She asks me with sass as her arms cross over her chest. Ruby was the sassiest kid I had ever met, she was the perfect blend of Lando and I.

"Soon" I speak as I take the trophy from her grip to put it on a higher shelf.

It was Abu Dhabi this weekend and in Lando fashion the kids would be joining us. There were moments I wish it could be the two of us hanging out again, I missed being with him just us two but watching him as a father was something I would never change.

Lando was out with Harrison, he was certain he would be karting as soon as he could. It was Harrison's third birthday coming up and in Lando's mind this was the perfect time. So Harrison was out with Lando looking for karts.

I hear the door open as the sound of my little boy and the love of my life fills the air.

My smile was still bright whenever he walked into a room, I had never felt love like this to anyone in my life. I was so deeply in love with Lando Norris I would never lose that.

"Daddy!" Ruby calls as she runs over to her dad, I watch him as he embraces her. He picks her up and spins her around as he places kisses onto her face.

I walk over slowly before he places her down and looks at me, his hand comes to my back as he pulls me in before our lips crash onto one another's.

"How's my beautiful girl" He coos over me, he still made me feel like a little girl with her first crush and I will always be grateful for him.

"I missed you" I tell him, he had only been gone for a few hours but I really did miss him. I missed being with him a lot, I missed our dates that had been neglected since we became parents.

I loved watching him be a father but I also wanted my husband sometimes.

"I always miss you princess" He tells me before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

The kids finally settled and were in bed when Lando came to the couch and laid his head on my lap. Right away I take my hand to his curls and run them through, I could sit in silence like this for days with him.

I just enjoyed him.

"Meg?" Lando speaks as he looks up at me. I look down and hum to answer him. "This weekend do you want the kids to come?"

I look down at him unsure what to say, I don't want to seem selfish but he wouldn't ask me if he didn't also think what I was thinking.

"I want to be with you Lando, just us" I tell him as I swallow my pride.

"Perfect" He kisses my forehead.


We arrived and it was weird to not have the kids by our side. It was strange to not have a million bags and crying coming from Harrison because his ears popped on the plane.

A promise to keep [Lando Norris]Where stories live. Discover now