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I was confused, I was so damn confused I couldn't even understand what had just happened.

I told her the one thing I was scared to tell her, last night she embraced me. Megan told me she loved me too but this morning she was acted as if it had never happened. Like I had done nothing but rub Maggie in her face.

I knew her being there was a mistake, one I had made. But I tried to make things better, I did all I could to make her feel better. I didn't want to lose her, we were just about too have time alone with Max leaving.

Why would I risk this?

I wanted to run to Max, I wanted to rant about her but he was the one person I couldn't talk to about this. As much as I wanted too.

I had walked down into the lobby before walking down the roads. I had no destination planned, I didn't know where the fuck I was going. I mean where would I go, I couldn't go to Max.

I only had one other person to go too.

My feet carried me to Daniel's door, I didn't know where else to go. As my fist is raised I knock on the door, it takes a few seconds before the door open and I see the bright smile of Daniel Ricardo in front of me.

"Well well Lando Norris" He chuckles before pulling me in for a playful hug. I was stood there looking back at him as we pull away from the hug, I kind of felt numb right now.

The woman I was in love with was casting me aside like I was trash.

"What's up?"

The second Daniel looked at me he could see something was wrong. I mean I didn't smile at him, I was full of confusion and I was about to confesses one of my biggest secrets.

"Can I?" I speak to referring too coming into his.

He opens the door, I walk inside his place. I headed to the first seat I could see, I sat down letting out a sigh. I look back at him as Daniel sits opposite me, he had concern on his face.

He had no idea what the fuck was going on in my head.

If I was honest I didn't really know what was going on. I mean the Meg I knew wasn't the same woman that was in front of me this morning, I didn't know if she was just scared or if she lied when she said it back.

"What's going on?" Daniel asks me, I looked at him thinking about what to say.

How to tell him about Meg, I mean I was a bad person. She was Max's sister, the one woman in the world I wasn't allowed to take as mine.

It was too late for that, she was already mine.

"I've been doing something bad" I whisper, first the confession then the problem.

"What do you mean?"

"Meg" I speak, I didn't need to say much else. I watch his face turn into realisation, he knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Max's sister?"

I don't reply, I just nod slowly. I watch Daniel's hand come up to his mouth as he looks back at me in shock. His head shook as he mumbled something I couldn't hear, I just knew he was probably questioning what the fuck I was doing.

"Lando" He speaks "Why have you done this?"

"It didn't mean to start like that"

"I assume Max doesn't know"

"He has no idea, but that's a different problem and not really the one I'm dealing with"

"And that is?" He asks he very confused, I mean what else could be the issue in his mind.

I take a deep breath before looking up at him, I really didn't know what to do. 

"I told her I loved her last night, this morning she was completely different to last night. It was as if she regret what she said to me, like she telling me she was in love with me too was a mistake"

He looks at me with a small hesitation, I didn't know what he was thinking. But I also didn't know what the hell Megan was thinking, I didn't know if this had all been so quick for her. I knew she had a relationship before me, I also knew bringing up Ezra in the way I did hurt her.

I knew that was wrong, but she was hurting me.

"What happened before you told her you love her?" Daniel asks, I feared this could be the moment he would tell me I was the jackass.

"Maggie was there"

"You told her you're in love with her after she met a girl you'd slept with before?"

When he puts it like that.

Fuck, I guess it looked like I said it to shut her up. Perhaps that's what happened, she thinks I only said it to keep her quiet.

"I hope you know how stupid that is" Daniel tells me, it was that moment I throw my head into my hands.

Fuck perhaps he was right, I mean I just didn't do it the way I wanted too. I screamed it at her in fact, but here I am debating every decision and word I said.

"Did she see Maggie?"

"She got upset and that's when I sai-"

"You need to go fix this shit, especially if you love her"

"I do! I love her more than anything I haven't cared about anything or anyone the way I care about her"

"Tell her" Daniel speaks to me.

I look at him, I had hardly been gone under and hour. She couldn't have gone anywhere, I hoped she hadn't left.

After a quicken goodbye, I leave daniel's. I wish I could say I walked back to the hotel. But I didn't walk, I ran so fast. I ran as fast as my legs could take me.

I had to tell her I was in love with her, I love her because she's made me feel things I've never felt before.

God I couldn't lose her. 

I burst through the door so quickly, I honestly am surprised I didn't knock myself out against the door. 

"Meg!" I scream, the second the entire room came into view I saw she wasn't there

She was gone.


Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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