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Lunch was a sure fire way too make my day better. I sat opposite Pietra with my heart pounding, I couldn't help but allow my thoughts to run wild.

Lando had told me he was in love with me, but he had told me this after I had stood up for myself and told him how uncomfortable I was with her being there.

He told me he was in love with me to keep me quiet.

"Talk to me what the fuck happened?" P speaks as she looked at me. Her hand reaches across the table to rub the top of mine, I looked like a mess if I was honest.

My eyes were bloodshot and puffy, this entire situation had hurt me more than it should of. Lan told me he loved me, so why the fuck was I here crying. I had waited for him to say it for so long, but now it's here I feel as if I've been punched in the stomach.

The world has been ripped out from under my feet. I was always in my own world with Ezra, I never acknowledged the signs of his behaviour but this has made me hyper aware now.

I wish I didn't take everything to heart.

"He told me he loves me" I speak, I watch as Pietras face turns into shock and a huge smile comes onto her face.

Eyes widen as she beamed at me, but I looked back at her with nothing behind my eyes. I stared right through her as the image of him and Maggie played over in my head. The image of the two of them together, intimately together the same way I had him.

"And you don't look happy because?" She asks me, her head tilted.

"I think he only said it because I brought up about a girl he had slept with"

"Wait what?"

I sit there and talk her through the entire event, from the second I walked into the club to the moment he left me this morning.

He left me.

He saw me hurting, he saw the way I was upset but he picked the cowards way out. Lando didn't stay to talk to me about it, he ran away leaving me alone. I didn't want a relationship where I had to sit and wait for him to come back from his hissy fit.

"He shouldn't have said that" She speaks, a small part of me thought I was being over dramatic still but hearing it from someone else. It made me feel less crazy. "He also shouldn't have left you alone"

I was sensing a huge but coming about now.


There it is.

"You also can't let yourself think this man is anything like Ezra. He isn't he is a real man, I mean look at the risk he's taking with you Meg. Max would and will kill him, he wouldn't tell you he loves you not if he didn't mean it"

I guess she was right there, I mean why would he lie to me when the situation was already at high risk of a fire.

"Am I being dramatic?"

"No" Pietra takes my hand in hers, my eyes look up to connect with hers. "You're allowed feelings Megan, no one is ever allowed to say you can't feel a certain way because they're your feelings and no one on this planet can tell you what you feel so wrong. You tell Lando what you're feeling and if he tells you for one second you're in the wrong then you leave his ass, I don't care how much you love that man. Everyone deserves someone who listens to them, who will do all they can to ensure they never make you feel bad about yourself. The person you're with is meant to be the person picking up your broken pieces, not creating more"

I looked at her with tears in my eyes, I had never been so grateful for a woman in my life. She was everything I never had, she was the sister I always dreamed of having.

"Thank you" I breath out.

"Now let's go shopping and then we will deal with your problem when we get back"


I walked up to the hotel door, I knew the man I was in love with was the other side of it. A man I didn't want to lose, but I had P's words going around my mind over and over again.

I open the door and push through with the many bags I had accumulated throughout the day.

Curtesy of the man I was currently not talking too.

"Meg?" I hear his voice and I wanted to freeze, I wanted to run away. But something inside of me powered me forwards, I walked into his view.

I watched as his eyes fell to the bags I held in my hand.

"Where did they come from?"

"You bought them for me as an apology for being an ass" I shoot at him as I drop them to the floor, I expected him to disagree.

But he didn't.

Instead he stepped closer to me, his hand hesitantly comes to my face. He holds me as his eyes line up with mine, the eyes I had fallen in love with. The same eyes that had taken my soul and intertwined it with his.

"Can I ask you something?" He speaks softly, as if he was fighting the urge to cry.

The urge to breakdown in front of my eyes.

I don't reply with words, I just nod slowly. My mind went crazy for the few seconds of silence I sat in before he spoke.

"Do you really think I said I love you to keep you quiet?"

I don't even think about my answer, the word falls from my lips like snow in the mountains.


A flash of hurt appears across his face, a form of realisation for what had happened between us. I could see him feeling the same pain he had caused me not to long ago.

The pain I was still in.

"Meg, I know I didn't time it well, I never wanted to tell you that in a situation like the one we were in. It slipped out my mouth and I wanted to take you out and tell you how much you mean to me. I wanted you to know that from the second our lips touched there's never been another woman even cross my mind. You take up every part of my mind, you are the one person I want for the rest of my life. I love you Meg"

I couldn't see through the tears that welled in my eyes.

He had said everything I had ever wanted to hear, I hated him for the way he told me at first. But stood here now as I hear those words leaving his lips it was like I didn't care anymore.

"She means nothing?"

"She never meant a thing, not in comparison to you" His hands cup my cheeks, his lips come down to press against mine softly.

Our lips connect together, where they were supposed to be. They work with one another in moments of passion we created.

"You really took my card?" He giggles as his forehead leans against mine.

"Yeah, I did get you a new T shirt though"

"That's my girl" He speaks before connecting our lips again.


Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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