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I would like to add here that there is a TW for eating disorders, if you can't read please look after yourself 🫶🏻


The sound of the door slamming shook my body awake. I feel my body jump as I turn around in bed I can feel my head pounding, other than that though I wasn't completely hungover.

As I stand from my bed I catch my reflection in the mirror, I wore my underwear and that is all.

Oh my god.

I stripped in front of Lando, more importantly. I kissed Lando, or he kissed me after I asked him too. I kissed my brothers best friend while half naked in the living room they share together.

The kids was electric, I had never felt passion like that between myself and anyone. I didn't want it to end, I wanted more. I wanted to be touched by him to feel his hands all over my body. His lips trailing down my neck, fuck I just wanted him.

I passed out, so why the hell is my make up off?

I didn't take it off, I know that I didn't. I look at my bin to see several wipes in there, way more than I would use.

Lando took my make up off while I was passed out.

I head to my closest quickly to grab a jumper and a pair of shorts to throw on. I had no idea if Max was back but by the sound of that door he could be. I hoped he wasn't, I needed to talk to Lando about last night before it was brushed under the carpet.

I open my door and I am greeted by the sound of Max and Lando taking.


I walk down the hallway into the living room, right away eyes turn to me. I feel Lando's first, he looks at me and I can't help but get shy. My cheeks flush red, I look at him with a smile on my face.

Looking at his lips all I could remember was the feeling of his against mine. The way his hands held my body, I could still feel them on my back I craved them again.

"Morning" Max speaks pulling my gaze from Lando's and over to Max. I walk over to the couches and sit on one opposite the one they both reside on.

"How was your evening" I smirk, Max left with a girl so I knew he must have had a good time. Not better than me and Lando though, that kiss meant the world.

I was worried it was a pitty kiss, I had told him about the break up. He knew I was sad, but that little role play we did. I think it was genuine, I think he did want to kiss me. I hoped so anyways, the way he was looking at me now I hoped he did.

"I'm seeing her again" Max adds, she seemed like a sweet girl. Of course if you like Max though there has to be something not right, he was my brother so the appeal was never ever there.

Some people think their siblings are a catch.

I think mines an idiot.

"What about you did you have a good night?" Max asks me, right away I feel Lando's eyes in my soul.

He looked over with a smirk on his face, I can't help but smile too.

"Yeah Meg, did you have a good night?" Lando adds, I can't help but giggle at this.

"The best I've had in a long time"

Max sat there blissfully unaware of anything that had happened between us both. In fact I think he was still drunk, normally this behaviour would have picked up some form of a reaction from him.

I just think he brain wasn't working right now.

"I need breakfast, let's go out"

All of a sudden my stomach dropped, since being here I had gotten out of eating with anyone for nearly every single meal. I had kept to my diet that I was strict on for so long, the diet Ezra insisted I go on.

I had voiced that I was unhappy with my weight
and since then he had made it his job to comment on what I eat.

This had caused an awful relationship with food and more often than not I would skip meals. The second I gave in and ate something high in fat, or more than one meal a day. I had Erza's voice in my head telling me I would never be happy if I ate that way.

"I think I'll stay here" I speak quickly, Coffee was all I needed.

"No you'll come with, I've not even seen you eat Meg you're too thin and as you're stressed as it is you need to eat" Max adds quickly.

Okay so there was no way of getting out of this one.

I stand up without another work and make my way to the bedroom. I had to get ready, something comfortable my head was killing me and I was expecting a lecture from Max all breakfast about my eating habits.

I knew they weren't the best, but I didn't have a problem. I had control over my thoughts, I knew I could eat if I wanted too.

I was in control of the thoughts, at least that's what I was telling myself.

I hear a knock on my door, I turn around to see Lando stood in the doorway. I could hear the shower on, Max must be in there. It was brave for Lan to come here after that interaction in the living room, if we weren't careful Max would catch on.

I didn't need that.

"Hey" I speak, I felt awkward around him a little.

I mean he had practically seen me naked last night before we kissed. A kiss I couldn't tell if he regretted or not, I was his best friends sister, I knew he would chose Max over me.

"How you feeling?" He asks in an attempt to make small talk.

Funny that when his tongue was in my throat less than 12 hours ago.

"Just a headache really" I had no idea why this was so awkward. "Did you take my make up off?" I ask him.

I watch a smile come to his face, he had taken it off for me. I knew that already but seeing his grin it did something to my stomach; butterflies erupted inside of me.

Ezra had never once done anything like that.

"Yeah, I just thought you shouldn't sleep in that shit"

Lando stayed by the door, I wanted him closer to me. I wanted to feel his skin against mine once again, last night was a feeling I would never get over.

"Thank you" I smile with a small nod, we both didn't know what to say. Didn't know how to act, I guess it was awkward.

If he didn't want me like that he was trying to think of a way to let me down slowly. If he did want me then he was trying to think of how to say something.

"Bahrain is coming up next weekend" He speaks to me.

The beginning of the season, it was so close which meant that our time travelling together would start. It also meant that the kiss could make things really awkward between us both.

"I hope what happened won't make you not want to come?"

I couldn't believe it. 

He thought the kiss would put me off coming, that I wouldn't want to be around him. I wanted to spend more time with him, I knew the break up was fresh but Lando made me feel better.

Just his personality.

"I still want to come, as long as you will have me"

"Of course, I just hope that Max doesn't find out about the-"

"I won't tell him if you don't" I smile. 

He nods to me slowly, I guess we hadn't really cleared up our feelings towards the kiss. I also wasn't ready to talk about the huge crush I had on him.

I was newly single.

I don't want him thinking he was a rebound. He was all I had ever wanted, I couldn't fuck this up.


I'm so sorry it's kind of slow right now but I promise it will get better. If there is anything you want to see in this book let me know and I can try and work things in!

Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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