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"So she's back?" Zak asks me as we walk around the McLaren headquarters. I had come here for the day too completely some work and have some meetings. It felt strange leaving Meg in Monaco, I knew I would be back tonight but just leaving her I hated it.

It was getting closer to Christmas in fact it was next week. I had no idea what to get her, I had so many ideas but I didn't want to just throw money at her and buy her expensive bags and things. I knew there were things she wanted that would mean more.

"She's back" I reply with a nod, I don't think I've stopped smiling since she came into my life.

"Is she staying this time?"

Everyone saw how she broke me, I nearly missed a race one weekend. I hadn't been looking after myself, I felt ill and I just couldn't get the strength too race. I did it though, I still raced and it was one of the worst ones of the season.

Everyone blamed Meg, of course they did I mean I didn't tell everyone what happened. It wasn't anyone else's business other than ours, I had lost her and was fighting to stay friends with Max.

"She's not going anywhere" I tell Zak, this time I knew she wasn't going to leave. I didn't want her to go.

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about proposing to her. I wanted to marry this woman, I would eventually so I wanted to ask her but it was still too soon. I knew it was soon, I didn't want to scare her away with too much commitment.

Commitment was the one thing that scared Meg.

She would never say it before but the idea of being with someone forever, it did scare her. When we were in New York she really opened up to me about it.

"I think I'm just scared that one day everything will feel like Ez again" Meg speaks as we sit on a blanket in central park, her eyes were sad as she looked into mine.

This was the first time she said this.

"Is there anyway I can stop those feelings?" I didn't need to tell her it won't, because that won't help. I need her to know I understand how she feels and I want to erase those feelings.

"I don't know, I didn't realise how badly he messed me up"

"I will spend every day of my life making sure you know how much I love you. How you are not going anywhere" I tell her as I kiss her forehead softly.

Ezra had ruined her before I even had a chance to show her what true love really looked like. How it felt to be loved by someone who truly only wanted her for her, not for her place or her money.

I wanted Meg, I wanted her every single day for the rest of my life. I just didn't know if she would always want me, or if the fear would eventually drive her away.


I arrived back in Monaco around 10pm, I knew Meg had been out with P all day and I expected to come back to her passed out in bed. I was wrong.

I walked into the apartment and as I did I see her asleep on the sofa, her head resting on one of her many teddy bears. She was curled up like a baby but her neck didn't look comfortable, hell she looked like she would wake up with neck problems if she stayed like that.

I head over to the couch as I crouch in front of her, my hand moved some hair out of her face as I smiled down at her.

Shes so beautiful.

In a swift movement I lean down and pick her up bridal style. I knew she would most likely wake up but she would drift back to sleep. I was right as her eyes began to flutter softly

"Lan?" She asks as she began to open her eyes a little.

"Hey go back to sleep I'm just taking you to bed" I speak as I walk down the hall to our bedroom.

I kick the door open softly before shutting it again, I walk over and lay Meg down on the bed letting her go out of my arms. She quickly reaches back up before pulling me down into bed with her.

"Can you cuddle me?" She asks, there was something going on with her but she was tired so we would talk about it later. I still wore my joggers and a jumper but I didn't care, I would sweat all night if it meant Meg was comfortable.

I climb into the bed as she nuzzles into my side her body against mine.

"I love you Lando, like really love you" She tells me, this just confirms there is something going on.

"I love you baby" I tell her. "Did you need to talk about something?"

She doesn't reply, instead she drifts back into her sleep once again. I just sit there and watch her sleep, I really didn't know it was possible to love someone the way I love her. I would do anything for this woman, like anything at all.


My eyes flutter open the feeling of Meg moving, I pull her back close to my body as she tries to escape.

"I'm not ready to let you go yet" I tell her, but she doesn't reply. I open my eyes widely as I look at her face, she looks scared. Almost like she was afraid of me or something. "What's wrong?" I ask as I sit up more.

She looks at me, in fact she looks right through me. There was something in her head, something attacking all of her happiness. I knew when she was anxious and this was one of those moments.

"Megan tell me what's going on in there" I speak as I cup her cheek, she pulls away from my touch as she shakes her head. She stands from the bed as she begins to walk away.

"I can't" she speaks, I refuse to let her run away from me. I follow her into the living room, my hand wraps around her wrist as I turn her back to look at me.

She looks distraught, my heart rate picked up as I had no idea what she was going to say. I didn't know what was going on in her mind.

"Baby you're scaring me now so tell me what's going on"

"I can't you'll leave" She speaks, her head shaking as she fought the urge to look into my eyes.

I take my hands to her shoulders as I make her look at me as I know it's the only thing that will calm her down. I just wanted her to know everything would be okay.

"I am never leaving you, so whatever you need to tell me baby please tell me" I speak as my hands cup her cheeks.

She looked at me for a second, I can hear her debating everything in her mind. Meg opens her mouth but no words come out, she lets out a sigh before looking to the floor.

I had no idea what was happening but I was scared.

"I'm pregnant"

The sound of those words hit my heart, I had never felt anything like this. I felt complete all of a sudden, it was like until this very moment I had a hole I was unaware of.

"You're joking" I say beaming, my hands cupping her cheeks as I smiled at her. Meg was frowning at me confused by my happiness. "Are you not happy?"

"I'm scared" She confesses


"I was scared you would hate me, now you're happy I'm scared I'm going to be a bad mum"

"This is amazing news, we're going to be parents and you're going to be the best mum in the world okay?" I press my lips against hers for a second.

"We're having a baby" She speaks but this time there was happiness behind her voice. A smile presents on her face, fuck she was perfect.

"We're having a baby"


Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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