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The entire weekend on the yacht was perfect. I really couldn't have pictured a better weekend if I tried. Sure the twitter post did cause some anxiety in Meg but it was gotten over.

I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about Max and what he would say.

For as long as we've been friends he's always warned me off of Meg. He had always said that he would never want to pick sides, until I saw her in Monaco I had never thought of her in that way at all. But from the second my eyes connected with hers as the door opened it was like my breath had been knocked out of my body.

I could no longer breathe not without her by my side.

I didn't want to piss Max off, even though I knew it would, I was scared to lose my best friend but I was more scared to lose the love of my life.

Meg and I had arrived in Japan in the early hours of the morning. We had flown just the two of us, I held her as she slept in my arms the entire flight.

There was no moment I treasured more than when she slept on me. I could sit and watch her sleep for hours, watching the way her nose would twitch when she was dreaming. Her leg twitched when she was drifting back to consciousness.

"This place is insane" Meg speaks as she looks out the window of the hotel. She had never been to Japan before, I don't blend her it was a seriously beautiful country.

I sneak up behind her snaking my arms around her waist as I pull her body close to mine I hear a giggle leave her mouth. I pick her up and carry her over to the bed before tossing her onto it.

She lets out a giggle before I climb on top of her and begin tickling her. Meg couldn't handle being tickled and it made me giggle hearing her giggle the way she did.

"Stop" She speaks in between breaths, she could hardly stop laughing.

"Make me" I tease as I continue tickling her, after a few more seconds I give her time to breathe as I climb of her.

Meg lays there getting her breath back as I can't help but smile down at the woman by my side. In a spilt second she jumps up too land on me as she started retaliating. I feel her straddle me as her hands come to tickle me as I was with her a few moments ago.

Our bodies move with one another as I giggle, I take my hands and pick her up off of me in a hope for her to stop tickling me.

"Hey that's not fair!" She speaks as I move her away from me.

I look over at her as she pout at me, I can't help but smirk as I look at her. My eyes devouring her beauty, I could live over and over again and nothing I would ever do would warrant this woman in front of me.

"What?" She asks as she starts to take her phone out to look at her face. I was staring so much I guess she assumed she had something on her face.

I take her arm in my hand stopping it from moving anymore. Her eyes dart to mine, she had a frown across her face. I could see how confused she was, but I didn't care I just leaned in and crashed my lips on to hers.

She smiles against my lips as hers begin to move against mine.

"I love you Megan" I speak as I look into her eyes, the same eyes that swallowed me whole. That had stolen my soul, and taken it as her own.

I never understood the term twin flames, not until her. Our souls were one at some point in time, they had been wondering the world waiting to be together again and here they are now.

"I love you" She giggles with a small blush flashing across her cheeks.

"No Meg, I mean it. I have never ever felt this way about anyone before. When I look at you I get this feeling in my stomach, I really don't know what I would do without you and I promise you that I will spend the rest of my life ensuring that you are happy no matter what"

She doesn't speak back to me, instead she leans up and kisses me softly once again.


It was time to head to the paddock, Meg and I had discussed what the hell we would do in regards to the McLaren team. I didn't want to hide but I also didn't want Max to find out right now. 

We had agreed to just play to cool in public but in the garage I was not holding back from touching my girl.

I sat in the car as Megs head leaned on my shoulder, as we pull up I climb out of the car first and take her hand to help her out. Right away I knew there would be fans surrounding us, so I drop her hand the second she's out of the car. My hand comes to her lower back as I lead her through the crowd before we began walking too the garage.

I was very aware of all the cameras, I couldn't touch her like I wanted too so keep my distance until we're out of shot.

"That was a lot" Megan speaks as she looks at me, I don't speak instead I embrace her in a tight hug.

My hand pulling her body closer to mine, my heart pounding in my chest in fear of this being to much for her. I didn't want to lose her, not over this.

"You're okay though?" I ask her as my forehead is pressed against hers.

"I'm okay" She speaks softly before I press my lips against hers.

Taking her lips against mine it was a feeling I would never get used too. A feeling a yearned for every second of the day.

"Woah!" I hear a voice, I pull away from the kiss and see Oscar walking into the room with a bright smile on his face. "I knew it"

"Yeah we know" Meg speaks as she rolls her eyes.

"Keep your mouth shut please" I beg him, I think it would be pretty clear that we didn't want Max finding out.

"My mouth is shut" He speaks as he holds his hands up and walks past us.

Perhaps this wouldn't be as hard as I thought.


Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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