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It was beautiful, I had never been here before. In fact I had never really been anywhere, I had focused my life on getting published.

Right now that didn't matter, I was here with Lando and Max.

Max hadn't shut up about that girl he had met in the club. In fact she was meeting us here, he had invited her to experience F1 from a way she never had before. Of course it was his way to pull, I think it was a good idea but it also could end badly.

Lando and I hadn't been alone again, in fact it had been awkward as hell. We both didn't know where we stood, we didn't know what was going on between us both. I mean sure I would catch him across the room, I would see him looking at me with that smile on his face.

We just couldn't talk when Max was around. It would be hard to do as Max would be around a lot in the next few months. Sure there were some dates he wouldn't be here, he had things with quadrant to be doing. But for the majority he would be leeching on my side, meaning I couldn't talk to Lan.

I walk up to his door, my fist raised before I knock. It takes a few seconds but the door opens to reveal Max, he looked flustered like I had interrupted something.

"What the fuck were you doing?" I ask him as I walk into the room.

"I've got a meeting I completely forgot about and now I'm going to miss practice I know I said I would show you around but I spoke to Lan and he said he would-"

"Max breathe" I giggle as my hands come to his shoulders. The sentence was the longest I've ever seen without him breathing, he looked so stressed out and I couldn't help but laugh.

His misery sometimes made me smile.

"I will make it to the Paddock alive I'm sure" I add, I wasn't really too sure. In fact I think going alone could be one of the scariest things, I had no idea where the hell I was supposed to be going.

I didn't know if anyone would let me in to the places I needed to be. No one knew who the hell I was so I didn't know how to act or what to do.

But Max was stressed so fake it until I make it.

"No it's fine, we can sort out getting you there and having someone show you to the McLaren Garage"

"Max honestly, I'll find my way" I reassure him.


I honestly don't know why I do these things to myself all the time. I had just arrived at the paddock and I had no idea where the hell I was going. There were so many people around, the passes Lando gave me got me everywhere.

The only issue was I had no idea where I needed to be. There were fans everywhere and just people in general, my eyes b-lined for someone to help me. No one looked like they had a clue either.

God I would die here.

I take my phone out to call Lando and beg him to help me in some way. I had no idea how to get anywhere here, I was wondering like a lost puppy. As I turn myself I feel something slam into my body. By something I think I mean someone.

"Oh fuck I'm sorry" I speak before I look up and my eyes meet the eyes of someone I didn't expect.

I knew my drivers and this man in front of me was Max Verstappen. The current man that held titles and dominated formula one, and I had just aimlessly walked into him.

"It's okay" He smiles down to me, this man had no idea who I was.

However, I really needed his help to find my way around. If anyone would help me right now it would be him.

"I'm so sorry to ask, but I'm supposed to be heading to the McLaren garage and I have no idea where I'm going" I rambled, perhaps me and Max had that in common when we were stressed out. "I'm Megan by the way, Megan Fewtrell" I hold my hand out for him to take.

God I was embarrassing the living hell out of myself right now.

"Ohh you're Max's sister" He adds, it was strange I was talking to Max about another Max. I had never been introduced to drivers, most people had no idea Max even had a sister.

But here I am.

"Yes I am" I breath out with relief he had an idea on who I was. I didn't need him thinking I was some crazed fan trying to find their way to Lando.

He was one sort after driver.

I don't blame the girl, after all he was gorgeous and funny and well just amazing all around. I really did need to stop thinking about him all the time, there was no way it was healthy.

"Follow me" He smiles before turning around and walking somewhere I would have never have guessed.

I follow him down some alleys of some kind, behind the motorhomes that sat all over the paddock. I had no idea how I had never been here before but it was a sensory overload.

"So where's your brother? He just left you for dead" Max giggles, I smile up to him as I walk by his side.

"He had a meeting, I told him I could find Lando alone. So this is going to be a I told you so moment" I shrug, I hated being wrong. I think it was my number one thing I hated most.

In my head I was always right.

"I won't tell him if you don't" He winks back at me. "I'm surprised that I didn't know Max had a sister, I would think I would remember you"

That smile on his face told me he was flirting. I mean surely to God he wasn't flirting with me. He was Max Verstappen for christ sake.

"Oh really?"

I bite back to him with a small smile on my face, I had never received attention like this. Not from Ezra, I was brushed under the carpet by him.

"So Miss Fewtrell, are you looking forward to your first day on the paddock?" He asks me moving the topic over, I could now see the McLaren garage.

We were a few feet away now, our steps slowed before my eyes met Lando's. He sat in the car, his head lifts out slightly once he sees me. I could see him trying to figure out who the hell I was with.

The moment he realised was obvious to me, he pulled himself out of the car before he started walking over.

"I am extremely excited" I nod before I felt Lando arrive by my side.

"Hey" Lando speaks, his eyes flared into Max's.

"Thank you for walking me Max" I smile, he nods slowly before he begins to walk backwards.

"If you want a tour of the Red Bull garage just find me" He smirks before turning around and walking off.

Fuck this was awkward now.

"Why's he so flirty" Lando snaps, I look up at him with a smile.

He was jealous.

God why was that so hot to me, he was jealous and for some reason all I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss him.

"I got lost"

"Call me next time, don't walk around with that idiot" He snaps, I let out a giggle before his eyes come back to me. "What's funny?"

"You're jealous"

"Am not" He argues.

Oh but he so was.


Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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