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"You look after her! But not too well" Max snaps as he points to Lando before myself.

We still in the middle of Melbourne airport, Max and P were headed back to Monaco. After much convincing I had managed to ensure Max that I could stay here unsupervised.

If I was honest after the entire confession of love I had been writing a lot. I had written almost ten chapters, I had never had such influence in my entire life.

"Max shut up" I snap back at him, I was fed up with Max assuming I was sleeping with him.

I mean I was but that was beside the point.

Max makes his way over to me, his arms come around me. I feel him hold me tighter than normal, I wouldn't see him for a month. I really didn't want to let him go, I mean he had been there for me. From the second I called him when I lost my job he was the first one there for me.

My betrayal to him hurt me sometimes, sure I was putting myself first for once but the idea it would hurt the only person before Lando that had always been there for me. I guess that was shitty.

"Behave" he speaks as a smile comes to his face, I knew he loved me. I knew that eventually he wouldn't be so angry when he saw what we really had.

That this wasn't messing around.

"And make sure you write! I wanna read some good shit when I see you in Monaco" He speaks before pinching my cheek playfully.

I had never shared my work with anyone, I was scared.

"If you're lucky" I giggle as I pull away from his embrace.

My eyes dart over too Pietra who stood next to Lando after she had said her goodbyes. I could see her smiling at me, I walked over before giving her a tight hug.

I really don't know what I would do without her being here. She had been there for me from the second I told her about Lando and I, she had kept my secrets.

I really had fallen in love with my new sister.

She had proven to me I could have friends that were actually there for me. I could have a friend that wouldn't stab me in the back or use me for my brothers connections. She had fallen for him and he had fallen for her.

"I'm so proud of you for staying" She speaks softly in my ear.

I can't help but smile as my head is buried into her neck. We pull away a little as I look into her face, I had never liked anyone as much as I like her.

She was my best friend beside Lando at this point.

"I'll miss you" I speak to her as I watch some tears fill her eyes.

"It's only a month, plus you can be with just him" she smirks as she wiggled her eyes brows at me.

I can't help but giggle like a school girl as we both laugh. Lando and Max had no idea what we were even talking about, it felt nice to have this connection with her.

"I'm nervous" I confess, this was a new part of our relationship.

Lando and I had never been left alone, not for this amount of time. We could be a real couple, sure we couldn't be completely out there. But we didn't have to hide as much as we had been, I could hold his hand. I could be his girlfriend in front of some people.

It was strange.

"You'll be fine!"

"What if it doesn't work?" I pout, I was so scared this would be too much for us.

That it would become apparent we aren't meant for one another, but I want him. I want Lando more than I have ever wanted, I was scared to lose him.

"Don't think that way, by the time I see you again you'll be gushing over him still"

"I hope so"

Once our goodbyes had finished Max and P grab each others hands. They grabbed their cases before waving at Lando and I, we stood next to each other as they walked away we didn't touch each other. Our bodies stayed apart; P and Max were nearly gone our relationship could start soon.

We didn't say a word to one another, but as they left our eye sight I feel his hand move over to mine. His finger ran along the palm of my hand before his fingers interlocked with mine.

He claimed me.

"I love you" He breaths softly, I turn my head with a beam on his face I lean up and press my lips to his.

We were in public but he was mine, I could show he was mine.

"I love you" I speak back to him.

My forehead pressed against his, my arms wrapped around his neck as his hands now rested on my lower back. He had lifted me off the ground slightly I was practically on my highest tip toes.

"I'm taking you out tonight, we're going out for dinner and we're going to have a real date night"

"I can't wait"


I stood in the mirror with a black dress on with black heels, my hair I had curled into a blow out look. Lando and I didn't need to have separate rooms anymore, after tonight we would share one. When he collected me, he would bring his things to my suite.

He had ensured I had the nicest room, so now he would be moving in with me.

I hear my phone begin to ring I head over to the bedside table as I pick up the phone. I look down to see my mother calling me, I had spoken to her a few times on and off but not a lot.

Not as much as I should be.

"Hey Mum" I speak as I answer the phone, I knew she would be calling me because Max had left. In her head I needed to be watched over, especially after the entire Ezra situation.

"Hey baby girl, how are you doing? I heard Max left today"

"Yeah he did, I'm just in the hotel"

"Is Lando looking after you?" She asks me, I didn't know if she had suspicions about us.

I also didn't know if her being my mother meant she could see right through any lie I might tell her.

"Yeah, he's taking me out for dinner actually" I knew we had a chance of being pictured, I needed to lay the groundwork. "He will be here soon"

"Oh really!" She gasps excitedly, she was very excited in fact.

"What's that for?" I giggle.

My mother was a Lando lover until the day she dies. Deep in her heard she wanted me to be with him, I knew my mother would be the biggest supporter of us.

"I think he likes you sweetheart"

"No he doesn't"

"Oh well I hope he does! It will be nice for you to actually have a nice man in your life"

I can't help but blush at her words, I had a man like that in my life. I had the best man ever by my side, I was so in love with Lando and I wanted to tell everyone.

I also loved our bubble.

"Mum!" I speak back shyly.

With that I hear the door go, I think it must have been loud enough for her to hear as she speaks.

"Enjoy your dinner, I love you sweetheart" She speaks before hanging the phone up.

I blush before heading to the door and opening it to see Lando dressed very smartly. I watch as his eyes scan my body, he looks at me up and down with a huge look of awe on his face.

"Fuck you're beautiful"


Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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