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I wanted to kiss him.

Our lips were so close together, and I wanted to kiss him. As our bodies lay close together, my breasts pressed against his chest. I saw him look at my lips, it was right after he had invited me to come with him on the entire F1 season.

Of course Max would be there, I doubt Lando and I would even have that much time alone together once we were away.

I hear my phone ringing as enter my bedroom after making my way back up the stairs. I really couldn't be bothered for Ezra right now, but as I reach my phone I notice it's my mother calling me.

"Hey mum" I speak as I answer the phone, I lay on the bed stomach down with my legs behind me kicking. I hadn't really spoken to her much since getting fired, she knew of course I think Max had called her.

Of course they would have spoken about me, it was their favourite thing to do.

"Hey princess, how are you doing?" She asks me.

No one has actually asked me this in awhile, asking me how I really am doing. If I was being honest it wasn't good, my life just was going downhill. I had been fired, my boyfriend was an asshole.

The only thing that was good was the fact Lando had offered me to spend the season with him. I guess that part of my life was getting better, at least I would be able to travel.

"Okay I guess" I speak, I lay my head down on the bed as my phone stayed by my ear.

It was 9am and I still had the rest of my day to go, I had nothing to do. I guess I would just walk around Monaco and I guess blow the savings I had to make me feel better.

If I was good at one thing it was spending money I didn't have.

"How is Max, is he treating you okay?" My mother knew how Max and I could be. A lot of time we would argue, but he's not even woken up yet so we haven't had time.

"I mean yeah, he was late picking me up but-"

"Oh I'm sure he didn't mean too" She coos over him. Mothers and their sons, Max can do no wrong. "Did he make up the room all nice?"

"Yeah he did, it's actually nicer than my London bedroom" I speak, I normally hated staying away from home.

But right now the place felt more like home than anywhere else, I didn't want to be around Ezra nor did I want to go home just yet.

"Meg honey, you know that you can come home  whenever"

"I know Mum but I think I just need some more time" I speak "Also Lan invited me too come with him and Max on the F1 season"

There was some silence, my mum adored Lando as did my dad. They thought he was the nicest man to ever live. I don't blame them, he is pretty cute.

"That's so lovely of him" she coos over him, my mum had always supported my dream to be a writer.

Of course she had never actually read anything I had written, I wouldn't let her. I didn't want the feedback, I would rather just think in my head what I was doing was good.

Living in delusion was my favourite thing to do.

"Yeah I think I might go, it means I can travel and-"

"Ezra isn't coming is he?"

Why does everyone hate him so much?

"I don't know mum, he might!" I snap.

I knew he wasn't the best boyfriend, not by any means but everyone was always so rude to him. I felt a level of protection over him. I wanted to prove to everyone he wasn't a complete asshole. I saw the nice sides when they were there.

A promise to keep [Lando Norris]Where stories live. Discover now