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I wake up in the grip of Lando, our bodies intertwined. My head laid on his chest and our legs laced together, I had never slept so well not in the past six month. I just felt nothing but happiness being back in his arms once again.

Fuck I was still so in love with this man, I just didn't want to hurt him again. I wish I could stay but I didn't know if we were too far gone at this point.

I didn't know if I had waited too long.

If he didn't want me anymore, if I was just someone he used to love. The person he would look back on the memories about but not with.

"I don't like it when you think so much" Lando groans as his eyes finally open, I couldn't help but frown at him. I let out a small giggle as he pulls my body closer to his, I just didn't want to ever leave this space.

"How do you know I was thinking"

"Your body goes all tense" He speaks softly as his arms stay around mine. His warm body keeping mine warm, fuck I just love him so much.

"I feel like that was a bad idea" I speak out, it wasn't like I regret it at all. I just knew it had put us in a place of wondering what the fuck was going to happen next.

We had been apart for so long, he had probably started to move on and I had pulled him right back to the start.

I just didn't want to break him.

"Do you regret falling in love with me?" He asks so bluntly, like it had been on his mind forever. I sit upright as I look down at him, a frown across my face.

I had no idea why he would even think that, I mean why would I ever regret him. He was the only person who ever made me feel the way I did, the way he made me blush just by looking at me.

"I would never regret us Lando"

"Then let me love you again, let me show you that no matter if you leave or stay Im going to be in love with you. Make this easier for both of us"

Lando held my hand, his fingers laced with mine as he looked into my eyes. I wanted him, I wanted to be loved by him and I wanted him to love me.

"I didn't ruin us?"

"No Meg, you didn't" He speaks as his forehead pressed against mine.

"I can't rush into this okay?" I tell him softly, I had spent so long convincing myself I should leave him alone.

My brain was wired that way, I hadn't let myself want him for so long.

I needed to let myself get back into the headspace where he was mine again. Where he was allowed to be mine again. I needed to get my shit together and just let him love me.

I don't know why I pushed him away, I think it's because I hate myself for what I did to him. The way I made him hurt, if he stays away from me then he will be safe from the atomic bomb I let off.

"I would wait forever for you" He tells me

"Okay, let's do this" I smile.

I watch as Lando beams at me more than he ever has before in his life. Fuck he was so perfect, I don't know how this is going to go. I don't know if Max is over this entire jealousy thing, but I think it's time I put myself first.

Hell I miss Lando more than I would miss oxygen.

I feel Lando cup my cheeks before he crashes his lips onto mine. It feels different from last night, there is more hope there this time. He wasn't scared to let go this time, I wasn't going to leave and he knew that now. We both knew that this was our forever.

I just don't know why it took me so long to stop listening to the negativity in my head.

"You don't even know how badly I've missed you"

I can't help but lean my forehead against his as a tear falls down my face. I let out a small giggle as Lando wipes the tear from my face, he admired every inch of my face.

"I'm sorry" I tell him, after all this was all my fault and I knew that.

I just got scared and allowed my feelings to override everything I did in my life. Even though it killed me, I don't know why I ever listened to the side of my brain that made me nothing but miserable.

"Can I say one thing?" He asks me, I nod to him as my heart rate picks up. I had no idea where he would be going with this question. "You need to eat baby"

I let out a small giggle, he noticed.

I didn't think he would, I mean I know that I had skipped most meals most days. I had been keeping myself alive with protein shakes and a few binges every now and again. I had been stressed with the book and Lando, but I really didn't think it was that noticeable.

"You noticed?"

"Meg I know your body better than my own" He tells me. "I know that your hip bone pokes out more than it used too, your collar bone shows ever so slightly more. I also know that you've gotten ten more freckles on top of the fifty you had before on your face. I can see that you tried to hide your body from me when we slept, but I know you too well"

I sat there shocked at his words, he noticed everything about me. Every small part of my body he had memorised, the way he would trail my body it was his way of knowing everything about me.

I can't help but feel guilty for not eating, like my eating was effecting him.

I guess it was.

"I just got stressed and missed you and I guess I let the thoughts win"

"They're not winning, not now you're with me baby" He tells me before pressing his lips against mine once again.

I missed this man so much.


I was super tired last night and couldn't publish both this and your fatal love! This is kinda a filler before the next one, I will most likely double update today because of this.

I hope you enjoy!

Also be sure to comment your ideas for a new Lando book as Meg and Lando's story is nearly finished 💘

Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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