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I never thought i'd be so nervous to see my best friend of my entire life. We had agreed to meet back at our place, or what was once our place. I had been exiled from there, told I wasn't welcome in my own home. I'm sure he had thought it through and realised how stupid he was being.

I just didn't understand why he didn't want Meg here. I didn't know why he couldn't just talk to the both of us, of course I told Meg I wouldn't go without her. She insisted of course, claiming I had to go and sort it out.

I could see how hurt she was that he didn't want to see her. I didn't understand it myself but here we go.

I wanted to let myself into the apartment but it wasn't going to happen. I thought I better knock, I didn't need to have the key much longer. I had just bought us an apartment, I couldn't stay in that hotel room any longer. I wanted somewhere to call our own.

She sure as hell wasn't going back to London.

It was a three bed apartment, one for us, another for my streams and things and finally a room for her to write. I would give up my room first if we had a baby, god I was smitten over this woman.

The door opened slowly, I see Max on the other side and I can't help but smile. I missed my best friend, fuck I didn't know this would be so hard.

"Hey man" I speak, he doesn't reply instead he just pulls me in for hug. I guess he felt as bad as I did for this entire situation.

I would never regret Megan, but I just wish that Max didn't hate me for loving her.

"I'm sorry" He apologised right away, I was surprised if I was honest I thought it would take longer. "Come in, I think P has gone to see Megs"

I walk into what used to be my home, but it wasn't mine anymore. I looked right over at the couch, it was just there where Meg asked me too take her dress off for the first time. It was were I kissed her for the first time, I never wanted to stop kissing that woman.

We took our seat on the couch, there was some awkwardness between us. I would be lying if I said I knew how to talk to him, the last time we were here he was beating me up.

"How's your eye?" Max asks me, I can't help but let out a small giggle.

"It's good now"

"Sorry about that" I watched as he kept his eyes on the floor. He couldn't really look at me and I didn't know what he would say, or what he would do.

I didn't know why he wanted too only talk to me, I think that scared me the most.

"How's Meg?" He asks me, I cast my mind to the woman I had left in the hotel room. The woman I had slept with hours before I left, the only woman I could ever want.

He didn't see her the way I did, he didn't see a strong woman who could handle anything. He still saw her as a child, like she would break.

"She's upset man" I sigh, I watch as he rolls his eyes at me. He fucking rolled his eyes, I really don't think he cares about her feelings. "She's spent the entire week and half stressed about what you're going to say, or if you're going to forgive her"

"Forgive her" He scoffs, I can't help but feel rage run through my veins at him.

I had never felt so protective over anyone before especially the attitude he had towards her. I was so angry right now.

"I asked her time and time again about the two of you and she lied to me, she lied to me over and over. She cannot expect me to forgive her for that"

"She was scared"

"Of what?" He snaps right back.

"Max we aren't messing around, I love her" I tell him sternly. I had to be stern here, he would just keep on disregarding our relationship.

I don't think he understood our relationship at all, he thought we were just fucking around and eventually we would break up.

"She's a lose canon Lando" He speaks, I had to hold myself back from jumping up and hitting him once again. "She only just broke up with Ezra and she will get bored soon enough of you"

"Max I'm trying to be polite here but you're really pissing me off"

"Oh come on, it won't last and I don't want to lose my best friend over this"

"We just bought an apartment together" I spit out, using the word we I had to show him this was both of us.

I watch as his jaw drops, he wasn't sure what to say. I didn't know what he would or could say if I was being completely honest, I mean he didn't believe in us.

So what would change his mind?

"We or you?" He asks me, I had never been so pissed off at him before. "How long have you even been seeing each other this is so fast Lando you're rushing into it"

Sure we hadn't been seeing each other long, just over three months. I knew we would be judged for how fast we were moving, but when you know you know.

I know that I wanted her for the rest of my life.

"Listen I know this is hard for you to get your head around but I am in love with this girl , I am so in love with her and she loves me as well"

I watch as he rubs his hands down his face in frustration. I knew he didn't want too accept this but he would have too. I am not giving this girl up.

Not my girl.

"I don't want to lose you Lando, you are my best friend but this could ruin our friendship and you know it" He sighs. "Please don't make me lose you"

"You're telling me you won't just accept that we are together"

I wanted to tell him how stupid he was being, how he should just accept us but he was being too selfish.

"I don't want to make you chose between me and her, I just know that it will end badly mate and I refuse to lose you and my sister at once"

"So you want me to pick between my best friend and the woman I love?"

I hated him right now, like really hated him.


Lots of love
Zoe xoxo

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