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Last night was the best night of my life.

Lando and I stayed up the entire night, our bodies moving against one another. Our eyes connected as our souls intertwined more, I felt like the entire world had stopped for a moment in time.

Like we were the only two people in the world.

Lando had ben busy with practice today, I had spent the entire day in the hotel after not sleeping at all. Lan made it clear that I shouldn't come and I should catch up on sleep.

So I did.

It was currently 4pm, I had just woken up and grabbed my phone right away. I saw I had messages from my brother along with one from Lando as well.

Where the hell are you?

Are you alive and well?

You are actually concerning me now...

I'm awake! I just didn't sleep last night so I stayed in bed... I will see you soon.

I flick over to Lando's message, I can't help but smile when I see his messages. I couldn't help but feel things I had never felt before when it came to Lando.

I always thought I knew what it would be like to fall in love, but this felt different. It made me think I was falling in love with Lando, I couldn't help but think about him all the time.

He took over all my thoughts.

Morning! I hope you caught up on your sleep princess x

Are you awake??

I feel like a stalker, I miss you :(

Be ready for 8, I have a plan xoxo

I smirk at his messages, he had missed me. I missed him a lot too, even when I slept I ached for his body to be close to mine.

I wanted him by my side at all times.

Fuck I was falling in love with him.

I'll be ready... Do I get a hint?

We're ticking off your dreams baby!!!!

I frown down at my phone, what the hell was he talking about. Was he planning on helping me finish my book? I had written all of ten sentences in the past few weeks, I had been so busy with Lando just wanting to be by his side.

I guess I forgot to write, I was too captivated by him. Falling in love with Lando was strange, it was like the first real day of summer. You had been through the cold days of winter, one morning you wake and the birds sing. It's warm and finally it feels like life is good, that was what falling in love felt like.

I didn't reply to Lan, I just would wait until he arrived. I guess I enjoyed the suspense.

In the meantime, I guess I should probably see my brother. So I finally make my way out of bed and head my way to his room, as I knock I hear his feet on the other side of the door.

I knew I was about to be told off by my brother, I hadn't seen him for a few days. Last time I did I was storming away from watching Lando with fans, Pietra knew about us and I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous that she would snitch.

I was so scared she would tell on the both of us, I mean she didn't know me well. She had no loyalty to me, she was with my brother and keeping something from him must be hard for her. Their relationship was new, surely it wasn't a good idea to keep things.

A promise to keep [Lando Norris]Where stories live. Discover now